
Monday, July 28, 2014

Secret Agent Unveiled: Susan Hawk

Many thanks and appreciative curtseys to this month's fabulous Secret Agent, Susan Hawk of the Bent Agency.

Susan's Bio:

Susan Hawk is a Literary Agent at The Bent Agency, representing middle grade, YA, picture books, and non-fiction for kids. Projects she represents share powerful and original writing, strong story- telling and a distinctive, sometimes off-kilter voice. In middle-grade and YA, she’s looking for
unforgettable characters, rich world-building, and she’s a sucker for bittersweet; bonus points for something that makes her laugh out loud. In picture books, she’s looking particularly for author- illustrators, succinct but expressive texts, and indelible characters. Her favorite projects live at the intersection of literary and commercial. Before agenting, she spent fifteen years in children's book marketing at Penguin, Henry Holt and North-South Books; she also worked in Editorial at Dutton Children’s Books, and as a children’s librarian and bookseller.

For Susan’s current wish list, please see this recent post.

Winners forthcoming!


  1. Thank you so much, Ms. Hawk,for extending your expertise and time. And thank you, Authoress, for another opportunity. This was a lot of fun and I read some really interesting and well-written entries.

  2. Thank you, Ms. Hawk, for taking time to provide such useful feedback. This was my first Secret Agent experience and I learned so much! Thank you, Authoress.

  3. She sounds awesome! Thank you, Ms Hawk, for your insightful feedback and many thanks to Ms. Authoress for putting this together.

  4. Thank you both for the great experience! I learned as much from reading comments on my own excerpt as I did reading those on others'.

  5. I was so impressed with Ms. Hawk's comments: kind, insightful, helpful. (As someone who teaches English in her day job, I know how time consuming it is to give this kind of detailed feedback!) Thanks to both of you for making this happen!

  6. This was such a great experience for me to have been able to participate in. Thanks so much Authoress for providing this, and for Susan for such good feedback!

  7. Thank you, Ms. Hawk! That was a LOT of 250's you had to read through, and we really appreciate your feedback!

    And thank for MSFV for this contest!

  8. Thanks everyone for the warm feedback. I was so impressed with the first pages, and the insightful, thoughtful feedback from this wonderful community. Thank you Authoress for including me!

  9. It was an absolute delight having you! :)
