
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Name That Genre! #2

TITLE: Adult
GENRE: Secret

Five minutes had to be a record for the shortest date of all time.

Bzzp. Bzzp.

The kill order came through at the exact moment the sommelier poured the 2004 Dravern Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon into the glass in front of me. I hadn’t even tasted the award-winning vintage yet. Clearly my superiors delighted in choosing the most inopportune time to assign me a target.

Gazing across the candlelit table at my maybe-boyfriend, Christian, I offered an apologetic smile. The X Squad never sent an order unless it was urgent, and that meant I was about to ruin the second date with Christian this week alone.



I glared at my clutch, the insistent buzz emanating from it making my fingers itch to chuck it across the restaurant. All I wanted was a goddamn steak. Apparently that was too much to ask.

Christian sighed. “Just answer it, love."


  1. Women's Fiction.

    You nailed it with the first line! The only thing that hung me up a bit was the word alone at the end of "The X Squad..." That tripped me up, although I know you were trying to say this happens a lot. It's just awkward compared to the rest of this excerpt.

  2. Thriller. But I want to say it's part women's fic also. Like "women's thriller."

    Being assigned a target, X-squad sending orders, a bad time for all this to be happening.

  3. I would say Romantic Suspense.

    Try to eliminate some of the redundancy here. For example, we know she hasn't tasted the wine when the sommelier is still pouring it and we know it's a vintage from the year.

    Good luck!

  4. I'm guessing contemporary fiction of some sort, though I'm not sure if it's thriller (since it seems like she's an assassin), urban fantasy (since she could need to assassinate a supernatural creature), or romance (since she's complaining about her love life). I suppose it could be a mix of all three.

  5. Women's Contemporary Fiction. Not sure if it will be a thriller or more science fiction. Love the opening lines. You had me hooked :).

  6. mystery or thriller - female spy. Not sure if there is going to be a love interest

  7. Romantic suspense, I think.

    She's an assassin but her love life (or lack thereof) is a pressing concern.

  8. Thriller. I think the actual buzzing sound of the cell phone is irritating, but no one else seems to think so.

  9. Thriller. I'm not really feeling the idea that it's romantic because she's being interrupted from her date and all she mentions is that she wants her "goddamn steak," not to spend time with Christian. She's irritated, not stricken. There might be some romance in the rest, but I really can't imagine that's going to be the main focus. Strong female character (an assumption purely based on the fact that she has a clutch) could indicate some women's lit, but it's got a very action movie opening.

  10. Romantic Suspense--

    Boyfriend. Assassin. X-Squad.

    ...I wonder how long Christian will put up with all the interruptions :)

  11. Romantic suspense.

    I think she is some sort of assassin. The "sounds" of the phone buzz didn't bother me. Perhaps she could show some additional irritation with the interruption.

  12. Thriller

    Sounds like she's some kind of assassin.

  13. Mystery/thriller/romance, although the would be boyfriend could actually be another killer for hire. I was a bit confused as to how many dates they'd had. Good luck, Sarah

  14. Thriller -- because the mc's an assassin. I'm expecting the story will come with strong romantic undertones since it opens with an aborted date.

    It seems like a romance first and foremost because the relationship seems to be the focus whereas the job is just an obstacle. The voice does not feel thriller-ish to me.

  16. Romantic Suspense

    The voice sounds romance or women's lit to me and the date is a definite focus here, but I am not convinced that Christian will be the love interest. She seems more focused on the date than the man.

    I agree with the suggestion to cut the redundancies.

  17. Romantic suspense.

    Clearly Christian has no idea he's the target.

  18. I think this is meant to be romantic suspense, but the cursing and the use of the 'X Squad' makes me think 'thriller comic book.' Also, I'm going to guess this is book one of a series. And how does she know it's a kill order if she hasn't looked at the phone yet?

    My advice would be to cut the first two lines and open with "the message came at the exact moment..."

  19. action thriller

    I clearly don't read in this genre whatever it is, but it's giving me a Mr. and Mrs. Smith feel.

  20. I can't tell

    Maybe thriller? Women's fiction? It could take an urban fantasy turn. :S

    I like the beginning, but I don't know the genre.

  21. Maybe thriller, maybe fantasy? I get a 'time warp" feeling with superiors & x squad...

  22. I'm going with thriller. That is all.


    I thought maybe sci-fi, but there were no strong clues to that effect so I had to back up to modern day.

  24. Thriller

    The MC is an assassin suggests thriller. Strong romantic overtones from the aborted date. I love the humorous tone ("all I want is a steak!").

  25. Can't Tell

    I'm leaning toward Urban Fantasy, but I'm not sure. They seem to have cell phones, or at least pagers, so it's modern. Could be a straight Thriller of the secret organization type, but the MC's lack of distress about getting a kill order makes me think the target may be other than human. Could be Vampire slayers or Men in Black SF.

  26. Science Fiction

    Because of the character's attitude towards the kill order.

  27. Thriller

    X Squad, kill order, interrupted date

  28. Romantic Suspense

    Kill order, superiors, assign a target, candlelit table, interrupted date, a guy named Christian (just kidding)

  29. Fantasy.

    It reads contemp. with all the modern touches, 2004 vintage wine, clutch, insistent cell phone, but the X Squad signaling and immediate kill order takes it right to fantasy.

  30. THriller, with romantic subplot

    She seems to be an assassin.


    Modern setting (2004 vintage wine) plus belonging to an organization that sends out assassination orders makes me think it's some kind of thriller.

  32. Thriller?

    She's some kind of an assassin... the voice sounds like urban fantasy or women's fiction, but it also feels more about the action than the romance... and there's no evidence of magic or powers.... I don't know.

  33. This one is mine!

    Thanks for everyone's guesses and suggestions. I appreciate that you all took the time to stop by and guess. I think the best thing about the genre that this one actually is in is that it can have suspense, romance, and thriller elements.

    So without further ado:

