
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Name That Genre! #9

TITLE: Adult
GENRE: Secret

Karen wondered if she was starting to slip. That's the thing about being crazy. You don't know if you're sliding into the hell of another episode, or if you're just having a bad day. Which this was shaping up to be. She knew the meeting was important to her husband, Tom. She'd tried to put on a positive attitude.

They walked past the final two shops, the dry cleaner and the pet store. Karen checked her reflection in their windows. At least the makeup looks good, she thought.

Tom glanced over. "Honey, Pastor Jason will get us over this rough patch. He helps lots of people; the Henrys are happy, just like the Lindners."

The Henrys were so happy they scared Karen. Marge Lindner was fooling around with some teacher at the junior college; everyone in town knew except Pastor, Tom, and Mr. Lindner.

They arrived at their destination, and Karen rang the doorbell.


  1. I would say Women's Fiction.

    Note, you should remove "her husband" from the 5th line. She would think of him as just Tom plus it's obvious he's her husband later.

    Good luck!

  2. Contemporary.

    I went with contemp because everything seems to be pretty normal (no mystery, adventure, magic, etc) with a focus on real life problems, and the voice didn't seem literary. Second guess would be women's fic, but the voice didn't seem quite right for that?

  3. Women's Lit

    I like the fact the MC is crazy and she knows it. Good hook.

  4. I'm not sure. The reference to a wife being crazy and a pastor needing to fix their marriage made me think of the 1950's housewife. Plus they seem to be walking down a quaint Main Street with shops. Could be a more recent historical, or it could be contemporary in a small town.

  5. Could go the way of Sci-fi, I felt it had a Stepford Wives feel.

  6. Women's fiction--
    But with a twist. Something's not quite right here in 'Normalville.'
    Really liked the first two sentences. :)

  7. Women's fiction.
    Supposedly crazy people don't know they're crazy, but you can break through that trope.

  8. Women's Fiction.
    I want to meet the Henrys to learn how scary happy people can be!

  9. Women's lit.

    I agree with Bonnie... I want to meet the Henrys:) I love that she knows she's crazy yet can still ask whether it's just a bad day.

  10. Women's Fiction

    Although I do agree somewhat with Sara Thompson, I got the Stepford Wives feel too.

  11. I'm going with Women's Fiction -- though there does seem to be a hint of something creepy in the offing.

  12. Not sure. The circle over the heart action takes it from the realm of historical. Fantasy or woman's fiction, but could also be a paranormal novel.

  13. Women's fiction.

    Unless Pastor Jason implants mind-control chips, a la Stepford Wives.

  14. Contemporary is my first guess. Setting seems very 50s just because she calls the dry cleaner and the pet store "shops," which isn't how I would think of them, along with the "Honey," term of endearment, which is a little outdated. But with the Stepford Wives feel (I caught that too), it could easily become thriller/horror!

  15. Southern Women's Lit

    Gossip, a married MC, and a Pastor.

    Narrator is adult, married female who probably should be happy but instead is going through angst. Sounds like women's fiction to me!

  17. Woman's Fiction

    And I agree about her calling him her husband. It's obvious from the following paragraphs.

  18. Women's Fiction

    The MC feel like an unhappy housewife.

  19. I'm guessing women's fiction.

    The MC is contemplative and seemingly unhappy with her husband. Also, crazy. I like that part.

  20. Women's fiction. Woman with a marriage in trouble, thinking she's crazy.


    I got nothing else to say. It's not my genre, but it feels like a solid start.

  22. Can't Tell

    Might be Women's Lit from the way the mc is trying to fit in with her husband's meeting. But her craziness and the too-happy couple suggest something darker, but not quite horror. Paranormal?

  23. Contemporary.

    Because she speaks knowingly of being crazy, it sounds like she regularly suffers bouts of depression. There does seem to be an eerie sense of foreboding that makes me think Pastor Jason is going to prove a villain. Sort of in the Stepford Wives way.

  24. Women's Fiction

    focus on the self, marriage, happiness, very internal with the conflict.

  25. Women's Fiction

    A grown woman with emotional issues.


    This seems to be all about her relationships, domestic concerns, and possibly her mental health.

  27. Contemporary women's fiction. Good start. Good luck, Sarah.

  28. Women's Fiction

    ? It seems to be about a woman and her marriage issues, stemming from some psychological problems.... but something about this seems ominous, so I might also guess psychological thriller? I can't tell yet.

  29. Women's fiction. Though something might come up that would make it a mystery or thriller, there's nothing here that falls outside of contemporary life and the issues usually addressed in women's fiction.

  30. Hello, I’m the author.

    First of all, thanks to Authoress, and to all to commented. I’m glad many of you felt something was off – there are malevolent people lurking in upcoming chapters.

    Special call out to Holly, Krystal, and IcySapphyre: I added “her husband” just before I hit send on the entry. It isn’t in my manuscript. I should listen to my inner editor, and certainly you three!

    My genre is: WOMEN’S FICTION, with suspense…
