
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Logline Critique Round One: Submissions Call

To avoid confusion:  These logline critique rounds are NOT a part of the auction.  They are simply an optional opportunity to get some feedback as you craft and fine-tune your logline.  You don't have to participate in the logline critique rounds in order to submit to the actual auction.

A logline should be as brief as possible.  The word count for these rounds will be set at 75, but that's still on the high side.  Think SHORT and GRABBY.

If you're not sure what a logline is, STOP WHERE YOU ARE.  Please go HERE and HERE for information on writing loglines.


The submission window will be open from 9 am to 5 pm EDT on Monday, September 22.  This is a lottery, which means the bot will randomly choose 40 entries at the close of the window.  These entries will post on Tuesday, September 23, for critique.

WEB FORM SUBMISSIONS (preferred/easiest method):

GO HERE.  Please remember to proofread before hitting "submit".


As always, send your submission to authoress.submissions(at)  Format as follows:

SCREEN NAME: (type it here)
TITLE: (type it here)
GENRE: (type it here)

(type your logline here)

If there's ANYTHING you don't understand, please post your question below!


  1. Can we submit even if we are not part of the auction?

  2. JEN --

    Obviously I can't control who submits to the logline rounds, but bear in mind that their main purpose is to help people prepare for the Baker's Dozen. So, yeah, anyone may enter, but if you already know you're not planning on entering this year's Baker's Dozen, you might want to consider leaving that potential slot open for someone who is.

  3. Authoress,
    For the pitch/log-line is it common for authors to include the comparative hook using published books and/or films- i.e. The Hobbit meets 2010 meets...? Thanks for your time!

  4. C.E. -- Not really. That approach works really well in query letters, but for the logline you need to think more along the lines of the formulas explained in the links I shared above.

    "One-eyed ex-ninja Kade Fallowfeet has exactly 48 hours to find his missing girlfriend and shut down the global auto-destruct--or the entire planet will be history."

  5. So excited about this! Can't wait for Holly to slice and dice my logline...IF I get chosen!

  6. Dang! Missed it by a minute! Good luck, everyone. Sarah Maury Swan
