
Monday, December 22, 2014

Our Fastest Baker's Dozen Success Story Ever!

Just in time for Christmas--our first success story from the 2014 Baker's Dozen Agent Auction.  Who'd've thunk?  Hearty congratulations to Susan Mann and Rena Rossner.  Here's the story in their own words:


Oh my gosh! I'm so excited. Thank you for everything you and Jodi and all the agents and everyone involved in Baker's Dozen. In just a few weeks, I went from hoping to be picked as a finalist in Baker's Dozen to being signed by an agent. I'm floored and thrilled and so very grateful. Thank you.

I was entry number 7, the librarian spy story called FRAME OF REFERENCE.  Rena won the full manuscript, read it, and loved it. She offered to represent me and I didn't hesitate to accept. She's been fantastic to work with and I know we'll make a great team. I'm already making some revisions she suggested to make the story even stronger.

Again, I'm so grateful to you for doing Baker's Dozen. You made my connection with Rena possible.


I was attracted to Susan's pitch and excerpt from the start. It was one of my top choices, and I intended to bid, and bid hard, for it. In the end it was the only one of my top choices that I won, so I got started on it right away. (I mean, who doesn't love bookish wannabe-super-spy librarian?) 

I was hooked by Susan's pages on the blog, and the rest of the novel didn't disappoint. While it still needs a bit of work, I shared my thoughts about the manuscript with Susan on the phone and I think our visions for the project really meshed. Having said that, I told her I was completely okay with her giving others the chance to read, and that I'd wait for her to get back to me, but to my great surprise (and joy!) Susan accepted my offer of representation on the spot. 

There are some really fantastic moments in this novel, including a scene at Oxford's famed Eagle and Child (Bird and Baby) pub, which won me over, and the banter and chemistry between the two main characters is witty and charming. There's great series potential here, too, and I know Susan is already at work on book two. So excited to work with Susan on this, and I can't wait to share it with the publishing world, and then the rest of the world!


  1. SO FANTASTIC! Congratulations and best wishes on your journey to covers and ISBNs and shelves!

  2. Wow! Congratulations! You are living the dream!

  3. Yay! Congrats to Susan and Rena!

    I remember this one from the contest and it seemed like a lot of fun

  4. Happy for you!
    Can't wait to read about her.

  5. What a wonderful Christmas present, Susan. I look forward to reading it in print next year.

    Happy Holidays, Chanukah, Time Off, or Merry Christmas. Sarah

  6. Woot-woot! Congratulations and Merry Christmas!

  7. Congratulations!! can't wait to read this book!

  8. That's awesome! Congratulations!!! :)
