
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Authoress Edits: Premiere Critiques Available Again

It's been a while, but I'm finally opening up to Premiere Critiques again.  First come, first served.

A Premiere Critique is:

  • A detailed line edit of your first 75 pages
  • An editorial letter
  • A guaranteed 1-week turnaround from the day you send your project
  • $260, with half payable up front (Paypal)
Right now I'm planning on taking on just one Premiere Critique this month, but if I get more interest, I'll establish a queue.

Interested?  Email me at authoress.edits(at)  (Please DO NOT email me at my facelesswords account.)


I'm always taking on new clients for my regular 30-page critique ($95).  You can email me at authoress.edits(at) to inquire about this service as well.

And I will look at any project except erotica/erotic romance.  If it's something I don't think I'll do justice to, I will let you know.


  1. I just sent you an email. It's been a long time since I've ever been first at anything! Maybe I'll be your first to post to this blog. ;-)

  2. Hi, Robin! I never received your email. Did you send it to authoress.edits(at) (with "at" replaced with @)?

  3. Hi Authoress, I hope you get enough interest to set up a queue eventually. I am interested, but my work isn't quite ready yet for a line edit. I probably have another month or two.

  4. Hi, Anon! This month's slot has been filled, but I usually open 1 or 2 slots each month as time permits. So do check back! :)
