
Friday, April 10, 2015

Friday Fricassee

Two quick things (incredibly busy day today)!

1.  YAY!  The response to NAME THAT GENRE has been terrific.  You may continue to leave comments until 11:59 PM EDT tonight.  At that time, comments will be officially closed.  I'll choose the winner of the 5-page crit over the weekend and announce next week.  I will also announce the TEN WINNERS of the NAME THAT GENRE round.

2.  For those of you following along with the I-made-it-to-round-2 of a potential copywriting job:  I've been notified that I'm a top contender for the position, and I have a video interview this afternoon.  Which means, of course, that I'll be rushing home from ballet and throwing myself into a state of clean-and-hopefully-professional in time for the interview.

I'm pretty peaceful right now, but my stomach gets a little droppy every time I think about it.  So now you all know, so it's like having a band of merry men or something, watching my back.

I'll let you know the outcome.  Either way, I'm thrilled and affirmed to have made it this far.  If they don't offer the job, it wasn't meant to be.

Okay, then!  Onward with Friday, and blessings on your weekend.


  1. Best of luck with your interview, Authoress! Turn on the charm; you'll do great!

  2. The butterflies mean you are engaged, which is a good thing! Best of luck!

  3. Congrats! Here's to an amazing interview!

  4. Good luck, Authoress! Job interviews can be nerve-wracking, but I know you'll wow-em.

  5. Congrats to have gotten so far and good luck. Whatever happens, you've got a great attitude about it. : )

  6. Fingers and toes crossed for you!

  7. Good luck on your interview! And I wanted to thank you for the NAME THAT GENRE contest, so much fun to participate in and to be one of the forty chosen. I hope everyone had as much fun as I did!
