
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Name That Genre #20

TITLE: Adult
GENRE: Secret

The feeling of loneliness is almost palpable as I sit on my comfortable tufted carriage seat, gazing down upon an abandoned, dilapidated house by the river that at one time was my home. Home is not the correct word. House? Shelter? Sad little dwelling that I wished was a home, would be more precise, but who cares anymore, certainly not me. Not my family either. The mother and father who gladly gave me to a man twice my age, a man that they did not even know, for a couple of acres of bottom land, land which was fertile, land which could help feed their growing family, or at least make a few coins to keep the roof over their heads. Oh, well, this is not why I came back to Pennsylvania. It is time to leave this place of immense sadness, that I feel even now.


  1. Historical romance?
    Authoress, I am not sure exactly what categories we are to choose from. . .sorry.

  2. historical b/c of the carriage, the 'given in marriage' (and this is apparently Pennsylvania, not the middle east), and general tone.

  3. Historical romance
    The carriage seat and marriage for land give the historical time period, the unhappy female mc makes this seem like a potential opening for a romance.

  4. Historical Fiction.

    The carriage seat, the MC being given in marriage, and the setting of Pennsylvania make me assume it's Historical Fiction.

  5. Historical Romance

    I assume there is a love story with mention of marriage - so she's not married yet. Second guess would be Historical Fiction

  6. Historical romance
    The carriage and arranged marriage and giving money to the family for her. The fact that she mentions the marriage makes me think she will be looking for someone her own age to have a romance with.

  7. Historical romance
    The carriage and arranged marriage and giving money to the family for her. The fact that she mentions the marriage makes me think she will be looking for someone her own age to have a romance with.

  8. Historical romance

    Arranged marriage, and carriage.

  9. Historical, but not sure of the time period. It's in Pennsylvania, so there a slight chance this is actually Mennonite or Amish, but I doubt it. Not sure if it will be a mystery or what, but not thinking romance, unless this husband is dead, which is unclear.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Historical/ Women's (maybe Amish?)

    Arranged marriage, wistful "looking back", heartstring-pulling tone.

  12. Historical romance

    It's definitely historical with the carriage and arranged wedding. I suspect there might be a romantic element that comes into play later.

  13. Historical, due to the carriage seat and the giving away of a girl.

  14. Historical, due to the carriage seat and the giving away of a girl.

  15. Historical, due to the carriage seat and the giving away of a girl.

  16. Historical.

    The description of the carriage seat and the giving of the girl to a man twice her age.

  17. Women's Historical

    O pioneer! the giving of the mc by parents, the named location

  18. Historical
    The carriage seat and the arranged marriage.

  19. Historical fiction. Perhaps there is an element of romance or mystery coming, too...

  20. Historical fiction. Perhaps there is an element of romance or mystery coming, too...

  21. Women's Historical Fiction

    Time period & arranged marriage

  22. HISTORICAL, sub-genre Western maybe.

    The carriage, the importance of the land. Could be ethnic too.

  23. Historical.
    It's the carriage and that the parents gave her away. Not Amish or Mennonite, which could be contemporary, because of the arranged marriage.

  24. Historical.

    The carriage gave it away for me.

  25. Historical.

    Tufted carriage seat; arranged marriage. I care about this m.c. a lot already. I want to know her story. I hate the idea of girls being "given away" to men due to economics.

  26. Historical
    Interesting draw, makes me want to know where she is going next.
    For whatever it;s work, I'd consider a little tweaking on that first line. It's full of adjectives which can "clutter" your reader's first impression. You're about to describe the house in the next sentence, so maybe you can leave out "abandoned, dilapidated"? And cut the filter word "feeling" to just say "My loneliness"
    Just some ideas. Good luck!

    1. Thanks......I will take all of the suggestions that I can find!

  27. Historical fiction. Reading about a comfortable tufted carriage seat, and being given away by a mother and father to a man twice her age, for a couple of acres of bottom land (dowry) definitely speaks of an era long gone (at least for most of the world).

  28. Historical.

    Carriage seats, parents selling (or trading her for land) to a man twice her age, screams of being set well over 50 years ago.

  29. Historical romance. Plenty of hints that suggest not contemporary (I hope).

  30. Historical romance. Carriage, forced marriage.

  31. Historical

    carriage and being given to a man, that sucks
