
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Name That Genre #4

GENRE: Secret

Thierry stumbled, and slipped on the steep path leading from the forest. The iced gravel scuffed his bare knees and hands as he tried to break his fall. There was snow, why then did he wear some kind of weird shorts and a - tunic?!

He looked back the way he had come but had no memory of he came here or where he was. His heart drummed an allegro and a weird humming that appeared to come from the trail resonated in his ears. He had dropped a folded slip of paper on which was written a number. A man and two children dressed in winter outfits appeared below him. Thierry scrambled up and towards them.

"Could you please help me and call this number?" Thierry held out the paper, squashed now and blurred from the ice.


  1. Fantasy based on the fact that he's wearing a tunic and doesn't know how he got where he is.

  2. Fantasy

    I think Thierry has been transported back in time - ice age? Middle ages?

  3. Fantasy

    Portal-fantasy, is my specific guess because he's surprised he's wearing a tunic and doesn't know where he is

  4. Fantasy.
    The clothing and the forest are what led me to that guess.

  5. Fantasy
    ...because of the character's name and that he seems to have slipped into a different time or dimension

  6. Fantasy because of the tunic and lack of memory

  7. Portal fantasy: a contemporary character (as indicated by knowledge of telephones) finds himself unexpectedly in a strange location wearing a tunic.

  8. Portal fantasy: a contemporary character (as indicated by knowledge of telephones) finds himself unexpectedly in a strange location wearing a tunic.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Fantasy.

    Thierry doesn't know where he is and appears to have been transported there.

  11. Portal or time travel. Not sure whether it's fantasy or historical.

    1. guy has no memory and is very confused and wearing clothes he doesn't recognize

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Fantasy
    Tunic and the humming trail.

  14. Fantasy
    Tunic and the humming trail.

  15. Portal fantasy

    The tunic and the confusion leads me to think he's in a different time.

  16. Fantasy.

    Seems to be some kind of portal involved. MC is wearing a tunic and has no idea where he is. He has a phone number written down, so he's probably from modern day. I suppose it could be Sci-Fi if it's Time Travel instead of a portal.

  17. Fantasy

    Time-travel possibly too? Amnesia plus the instant desire to phone home probably means that he's been the prophesied chosen one all this time and never new it.

  18. Portal Fantasy or Time Travel
    The clothing, humming path and disorientation are the giveaways.

  19. Fantasy
    The tunic, lack of memory of how he got there and the humming trail led to fantasy for me.

  20. Fantasy

    Coming out of the forest with amnesia and wearing a tunic, weird thrumming from the trail. Never a good thing. And his name's Theirry. But he's talking about a phone number, so I'm guessing it's some kind of portal fantasy, with Theirry transported to a fantasy realm.


    He has no memory of the past and he thinks his clothes are weird. I'm thinking time travel.

  22. Fantasy. Forest, no memory and the tunic makes me think some sort of time travel and he's asking the family to call as if he has a cell phone but I'm betting they're going to look at him like he's crazy.

  23. Portal fantasy

    It could also be time travel. He's wearing clothes he doesn't recognize without any memory of how he got there, and he's obviously from a modern time because he has a phone number.

  24. Fantasy.

    No memory, especially his surprise at the tunic, and general feel of the writing makes me think fantasy. My guess is a contemporary character (phone) whisked to another time or place.

  25. Portal Fantasy. Seems to have arrived in a strange land with no memory and anachronistic clothing and/or knowledge of telephones.

  26. Magic Realism.

    Tunic and coming from the forest. I don't know why but it is what I'm thinking.

  27. Low Fantasy.

    Modern-day kid transported via portal to/from another place/time. He's a contemporary kid b/c he used the word "weird" twice and b/c a telephone number is mentioned. He seems to be coming back to the modern world because he sees a family dressed in "winter outfits" with nothing strange/different mentioned about them. Plus he assumes they have a phone and can make a call for him. That tells me they look like a modern family.

  28. Fantasy

    From the tunic and the odd hum from the trail, which might indicate magic. He seems to know who he is but has lost recent events, since he clearly understands phones and what people should wear in the cold.

  29. Fantasy. Or time travel, or sci-fi. His surprise about his own clothes.

  30. Science Fiction.

    MC wearing tunic and shorts (odd combination) and he doesn't know where he is or how he got there. The climate has somehow changed (suggested due to his inappropriate clothes). Maybe time travel of some sort. Maybe something along the lines of Timeline.

  31. Fantasy

    Because tunic and phone seem incongruent in the same time period

  32. Fantasy is correct - you are all winners in the guessing game! Portal Fantasy is correct as well. Scott - yes, same time period (good one!). Thierry is a French name - the story plays partly in our time and in Europe - a Grand Duchy close to France. In the beginning Thierry is dropped there from the other world without memory that he has been gone (and how long) :) (sorry server out, that's why I'm late)
