
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Name That Genre #40

TITLE: Adult
GENRE: Secret

Late as usual, Ree flew past the patrol without them seeing her. Satisfied she didn’t get caught, she yanked open the back door to the club and ventured inside. She made her way through the jumbled mess of old club furniture, down the hall to her dressing room. The dim lighting made the lumps into an obstacle course but she circumvented them with ease. It was hard to stretch out her wings amid the boxes so she sprinted instead. The closer she got to her dressing room, the louder the music got.

The steady boom-boom of the music reverberated in Ree’s brain. God, she was tired. Too many late nights caught up to her. She needed to make an effort to get to bed right after her set. Alone. She grinned at her reflection as she peeled off her jacket, top and tee, leaving them in a heap on the floor.


  1. Fantasy.
    Sounds like a futuristic story of a girl who conceals that she is a creature with wings (angel? some other creature? singing dragon?)

    I like it.

  2. Fantasy

    My first thought was sci-fi, but when I got to the mc folding her wings, that screamed fantasy.

  3. Fantasy. Wings were mentioned and it was clearly on a person.

  4. Fantasy.

    But futuristic. Was thinking dystopian with the mention of avoiding patrols in the first line.

  5. dystopian fantasy?
    you've got patrols and wings and loud music and sex . . .

  6. dystopian fantasy?
    you've got patrols and wings and loud music and sex . . .

  7. Urban Fantasy.

    The setting seems ordinary, everyday with patrol cars and a club, yet she has winds.

  8. Fantasy.

    There are patrols, wings, and a modern (maybe even futuristic) feel.

  9. Dystopian Fantasy

    Patrols in what seemed like a modern setting with a club suggested future rather than right now, and the wings were a dead give away for fantasy (possibly paranormal.)

  10. Urban Fantasy. Wings=fantasy, night club=urban. First clue=her name--Ree.

  11. Urban Fantasy.

    Guessing based on a character who has wings and wears jeans.

    However, there's no context given at all for the action in the first sentence, and 'patrol' could mean post-industrial 2nd world fantasy... Any little bit of context for that first sentence would really help, assuming this is the first sentence of your book. As it is, I'm confused.

  12. Erotic Romance

    I'm guessing by her outfit she took off, that the wings were part of a costume.

  13. Fantasy, given the wings that she flew past the patrol with

  14. Urban Fantasy, I'm guessing, based on the contemporary feel and the whole MC has wings thing.

  15. Urban Fantasy

    Feels Blade Runner-ish, but lite.

  16. Urban fantasy. The wings--I'm guessing she's a fairy, and she must work in a night club. (Very cool.) :)

  17. Fantasy
    Because of the wings

  18. Replies
    1. Not sure why I'm getting all these doubles. The wings gave it fantasy, but the club part sealed it as an urban environment.

    2. When you use the back button to get to the main blog page, it will post double for some reason.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Urban Fantasy. Agree with everyone else. because of "flew" "wings" and the patrol.

  21. Urban Fantasy. The 'wings' took it outside the realm of urban fiction.

  22. Urban Fantasy. The 'wings' took it outside the realm of urban fiction.

  23. Urban fantasy, due to a contemporary setting and a character with wings.

  24. Urban fantasy. The setting seems to be modern, but the protagonist has wings.

  25. Urban fantasy. The setting seems to be modern, but the protagonist has wings.

  26. Urban Fantasy

    She has wings. And is some sort of actor/preformer.

  27. Patrols and wings make me think futuristic paranormal/urban fantasy.

  28. Patrols and wings make me think futuristic paranormal/urban fantasy.

  29. FANTASY.

    Because of the wings and the patrol. Maybe even dystopian.

  30. Fantasy or Sci fy because of the wings. Adult.

  31. Fantasy because of the patrol and the wings.

  32. Urban Fantasy
    The otherwise normal club atmosphere and her profession are offset by that pair of wings. or are those figurative?

  33. Urban Fantasy.

    Due to MC having wings, wearing jeans, and the club setting with old furnishings.

  34. Urban Fantasy

    She flew past the patrol and has wings - gives me fantasy. She heading to her dressing room in a club - gives me urban.

  35. Urban Fantasy

    I thought just straight-up fantasy or SF first because of "patrol," but the club and wings made it sound like UF.

  36. Urban Fantasy

    The description feels contemporary, but you mention a patrol, which seems out of place in our normal world. The MC has wings (didn't catch right off that "flew" could be meant literally), so she's some kind of fallen angel or fairy, maybe. The club, the way she's dressed, and her attitude seem urban.

  37. the "stretch her wings" reference

  38. Thanks for everyone's input on my adult fantasy detective noir. Yeah, it's a mashup.

    Here's my logline:

    Parker Owen, a human cop teams up with Reseda Heartsease, a Fae lounge singer who can fly and shapeshift to solve murders. Their first case happens to be solving the murder of Ree's ex-husband. And she's the prime suspect.

    Thanks for playing!
