
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Editing Services -- Window Open

Hello, all!  I'm reeling from a super-busy week last week, and trying to get back into my writing groove.  Easier said than done (especially since this WIP has been biting my beehive since forever).

Anyway, it's been a while but I've got some room for a couple of PREMIERE CRITIQUES.  First come, first served.  The skinny:

  • A detailed line edit of your first 75 pages
  • An editorial letter
  • A guaranteed 1-week turnaround from the day you send me your manuscript
  • $260, payable in 2 installments
Interested?  Email me ASAP at authoress.edits(at)

ALSO AVAILABLE:  My normal, 30-page critiques, as always.  Email me to get your name in the queue.

Happy Tuesday, all!  We'll be celebrating a very special book birthday later this week, so stay tuned!


  1. I'm curious what your editorial letters contain. I know different editors do this differently and some don't give a letter at all. Just for ccuriosity's sake, what is I guess the main purpose or content of yours?

  2. My editorial letter basically includes an overview of the problems areas in the manuscript, which are reflected by my in-line notes (which tend to be pretty detailed). I also point out the manuscript's strengths, too.

    My letter will be several paragraphs long, the actual length, of course, determined by the amount of things I feel I need to cover. Basically, I want to give the author an idea of what to expect in my in-line edits, and a clear overview of the areas that I feel need the most work.

    Hope this helps!
