
Thursday, June 18, 2015


Here it is, the official day-before-vacation post, with 2 very big GUESS WHATS.


You know that WIP-FROM-HELL I've been bellyaching about?  The one that I've been working on for NINE MONTHS NOW?

I just finished it!


As in, I just typed the word "FIN" in 96-point font at the end of the document.  Because THAT'S HOW GOOD IT FELT.  It was definitely a 96-point moment.

I can't thank you enough for your ongoing support.  YOU ARE ALL AMAZING.  I honestly don't think I could have done it without the collective cheering and encouragement from the writing community.


Remember that job interview you all cheered me through, and how I didn't get the job?  And remember how the gal who interviewed me said she was so impressed with me that she was recommending me for another position, if it ever became available?


The CEO emailed me yesterday and wants to do a phone interview.  Tiny hitch--I'm leaving early in the morning for vacation!  Which I told him.  But I also told him I'd be happy to squeeze it in later today, if he wants.  As of this writing, I haven't heard back yet.


But I'm super excited about this.  It fell out of the heavens at my feet when I was least expecting it.  So we'll see how it goes!  It's not a done deal by any stretch, but it's a terribly exciting opportunity!

Oh, and have I mentioned that IT'S A WRITING POSITION?  As in, online content.  DUDES!  That's what I DO, right?

I'm pretty stinkin' excited over here.

I mean, okay.  I'd be EVEN MORE EXCITED if I were announcing a book deal right now.  But you know what?  I've stopped waiting for that to happen.  And don't you know, that's when life starts to happen.

Bring on the life!

Bring on the vacation!

Love you, and I'll update you on all the things when I get back after the Fourth.

Be good!  Write words!  And see you soon.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Also, I think the bot or whatever sends these out stopped sending them. I didn't get it in my mailbox like I usually do. But anyway, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Lots of achievement going on over there. So when are you starting the second draft ;-) ?

    1. AAAAAAA!!! I don't want to talk about second drafts!! ;)

      And you're the 2nd person who has told me that about the email subscription service. I will have to look into that when I get back.

  2. Great way to start a vacation! Congrats.

  3. You go woman! (And have extra fun for me on the vacation.)

  4. Congratulations! Just like bad things, good things come in bunches. And you deserve all the good things coming to you. Enjoy your vacation now without that old WIP hanging over your head. It'll still be there waiting for you when you get back, ready to revise. But forget about it for a while now.

  5. How exciting you're finished with the MS. GO YOU! And congratulations on the job interview! I hope all aligns and the CEO falls madly in love with your skills! (As well, your agent with the shiny new MS!)

  6. FAB!! Congrats. While you're away...I will work on my WIP like crazy and be ready for whatever comes. Happy Trip.

  7. Wow, congratulations on both points. I am really happy for you. Have a great time on your vacation.

  8. Congrats and have a great time on your vacation!

  9. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you -- and that must be a great feeling to go on vacation knowing you've both accomplished something and really earned a break, and also have some very positive things to look forward to when you get back. :)

  10. Congratulations on your double whammy! People always complain about bad things happening all at once, but see, good things come in packages as well. I'm very excited and happy for you. I can only imagine that 96 point - font - feeling. I am struggling to get there and I bet I will want to use a giant font also. I dream of finishing. Some days I really feel close. Then I make a list of all the scenes that need another round of revisions and wonder what the hell I am doing. I hate it when I don't feel like I am making progress, because I know that I am. But, when you have a jumbled mess of a manuscript in front of you (I like to print out a hardcopy for revisions) it is overwhelming. I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    Congrats on the job. It must have been disappointing when you didn't get the initial job, but there is truth in the saying that good things come to those who wait - or that first job wasn't the one for you and the right one will come along. I just love it when things like that work out for people. It reaffirms my hopes, dreams and aspirations.

    You need to have a big celebration. You deserve it,

  11. Super Congratulations!
