
Friday, August 14, 2015

Friday Fricassee

This is happening:  I'm heading out for a little overnight getaway with my sweetie to celebrate our wedding anniversary--and I AM NOT BRINGING MY LAPTOP.

Maybe that makes me sound a little horrible, as though I can't have a relationship without my technology.  But the truth is that my husband doesn't like to get up in the morning.  As in--I'm awake and dressed and ready for the day and HUNGRY...and he's asleep.  Which can be awkward and restrictive in a hotel room, right?

So if I have my laptop with me, I can WRITE.  It's a wonderful use of my time, and besides--there's something super-productive about writing in hotel rooms (am I right?).  But Mr. A and I are in dire need of technology-free time together.  So instead of bringing my writing, I am bringing THE ORPHAN QUEEN by Jodi Meadows...because it was supposed to be my vacation read, but I was too busy seeing all sorts of people, and my reading time sort of didn't exist.

PLUS, I've got the juicy ARC of THE MIRROR KING whispering at me from my bedside table, so I've got to finish this one so I can get to that, after which I will be GIVING IT AWAY.  (So definitely stay tuned for that!)

So, yes, I'll be sitting on a hotel balcony tomorrow morning with a steamy cup of coffee and THE ORPHAN QUEEN while my husband snoozes.  Probably I will have a few pangs for my work, but I'm fairly certain that immersing myself in Jodi's amazing world will cure me.


Remember that K. Callard is hosting a logline critique session on her blog!  The submission window is Monday, August 17 at 9:00 am EDT to Wednesday, August 19 at 5:00 pm EDT.   This is to help you prepare for your ON THE BLOCK submission, which will need to include a logline.

HERE ARE SOME MORE DETAILS.  I will post the link to her blog post on Monday.


All the itty-bitty details about ON THE BLOCK submissions and what to expect from the auction.  If you're new around here and haven't subscribed to the blog, I would encourage you to do so!  It's the best way to keep abreast.  That, and FOLLOWING ME ON TWITTER, where I always shout about things.

Oh, and if you have a burning question about ON THE BLOCK that you would like me to address next week, please leave it in the comments here.  I want to make sure you have all the information you need in plenty of time to prepare your submission.

Okay, I'm outta here!  Have a glorious weekend.


  1. Have a fantastic weekend!

  2. With a maximum of 250 entries, I'm worried that those of us on the west coast will have to get up at 3 a.m. in order to have a chance. Any thought of making the start time a little later? Clearly, I'm expecting the slots to go fast! Thanks for all the incredible opportunities you provide the writing community!

  3. Hi, Carol! I do think your fear is unfounded, as I truly don't expect the slots to fill up THAT fast. Honestly! But, after considering, I think I will move the start time to 8:00 am EDT. Because it has occurred to me that I would like to be awake and coherent at the start of submissions, too. ;)

  4. Will participants know before November if they make it into the contest?

    1. Good question, Eric! Yes. I will be posting a full schedule next week, which will include the date that winners will be notified.
