
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

#12 TWICE BETRAYED, MG Historical

TITLE: Twice Betrayed
GENRE: MG Historical

Three girls, in Colonial Philadelphia, dress as boys and head to the river to put a perilous plan into action, but only two return and one is accused of treason. To escape the traitorous web that ensnared her, she must again don boy’s clothes—her life depends on it.

Something big is about to happen. The momentum outside the upholstery shop’s open window draws me like my needle pulls its thread. With more vigor than concentration, I force the point through the gathered lace ascot I’ve been working on all day and prick myself. My hand jerks back. “Ouch! Pay attention to what you are doing, Perdy Rogers.”

I suck the circle of blood from my finger and can’t stop staring at the drays rolling by carrying people, instead of lumber and stones.

Mindless of the pouring rain, citizens rush down Arch Street, spurred on by the energy pulsing through Philadelphia like the electrical charge Mr. Franklin discovered with his kite and key. Some whisper. Others shout. But all bear the same message. “Freedom. The time is now.”

Suddenly, Jane Ann and Lizzie dart through the crowd.

 “Lizzie,” yells Jane Ann, leaping away. “You’re splattering my skirts.” To get even, she jumps in a murky puddle and splashes mud onto Lizzie’s ruffled petticoat.

“Ahhh.” Lizzie takes shelter under the vendor’s stall, opposite the shop, to brush grime from her skirt.

Jane Ann laughs, but her smile fades when she spots me at the window. She motions to Lizzie to wait and hops puddles across the street.

The shop bells jingle as I yank the door open.

“Perdy. What are you doing inside? Come with us to The State House. Adam says over four thousand people have a mind to make Pennsylvania join the revolt against King George."


  1. My computer is slow! 50 pages.

  2. How did I get in before you, Lauren? I'm astonished.

    1. I blame my dog, who came in to say hi just at that moment. Traitor beast.

    2. I was just saying hello to my dogs downstairs and thought I'd missed the entire thing. They love to fling themselves toward me when I try to leave. It's love.

  3. Damn! I can't get my comments up fast enough!
