
Wednesday, November 11, 2015


The following names were chosen randomly (gotta love those random number generators!) from all critiques left on the 24 ON THE BLOCK entries.  Critiques left by editors were not included.  Because most people had multiple entries, there was the chance that each could win more than once -- and some did!  If you are a "double winner", enjoy that!  But if you don't want 2 critiques, email me and I'll randomly select another winner for one of them.

  1. REBECCA M -- A query and 1st chapter (up to 15 pages) critique from Leah Sloane Petersen
  2. ZOLOSOLO -- A first-5-pages critique from Lia Riley
  3. JULIE TOMIAK -- A 20-minute Skype session with Alice Loweecey
  4. E.S. WHEELER -- A 1st chapter (up to 15 pages) critique from Peter Salomon
  5. PATCHI -- A first chapter (up to 5000 words) critique from Nicole Wolverton
  6. SANWRITES -- A query and first-5-pages critique from Kristi V Helvig
  7. SUSSU -- A first chapter (up to 5000 words) critique from Mandy Mikulencak
  8. NEICOLE CREPEAU -- A query critique from Tara Dairman
  9. SUSSU -- A first-5-pages critique from Mindy Braun
  10. GEORGIANA DERWENT -- A query and first-5-pages critique from Gail Nall (YA or MG only)
  11. ZOLOSOLO -- A query critique from Lori A Goldstein
  12. JESSICA REDMAN -- A query and first-5-pages critique from Jen Malone (YA or MG only)
  13. BRENT SALISH -- A first chapter (up to 10 pages) critique from Anita Saxena
  14. ABBE HOGGAN -- A first chapter critique from Stephanie Scott
  15. IKMAR -- A first chapter (up to 15 pages) critique from J. M. Frey
  16. FIONA MILLER-STEVENS -- A query and first chapter (up to 15 pages) critique from Helene Dunbar
Winners:  Please email the following information to me at facelesswords(at) with PRIZE WINNER in the subject line:
  • Name
  • Email address
  • Name of author whose prize you won
I will pass along your contact information to your prize-giver, and you can communicate directly from there.

Congratulations, everyone!


  1. Congrats to everyone who won. Two double winners! Did they buy lottery tickets too? :)
