
Monday, February 15, 2016

A Wish From Deidre Knight

Deidre Knight of the Knight Agency has a wish or two!

Deidre's Wishes:
  • A historical novel about Ancient Greece, or possibly Sparta
  • Women's historical set in Victorian era (not a romance)

Does your COMPLETED manuscript fit one of the above?  If so SUBMIT AS FOLLOWS:

  • Send your QUERY LETTER and the FIRST 250 WORDS of your (completed) manuscript to me via our online submission form.
  • Be sure to include the TITLE and GENRE of your work.
  • Choose a SCREEN NAME that is easily identifiable.
  • Submissions will open at NOON EASTERN TIME today, and will close 24 hours later, or as soon as I've received 50 entries--whichever comes first.  (I will be reading all the entries, so I have to limit the number I accept.)
Questions?  Please ask below!

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