
Monday, February 8, 2016

I've Got a New THING For You!

It's called AGENT WISH LIST.

Here's how it works:

Every once in a while, I will post something that a particular agent is wishing for.

Like, maybe...

"A YA version of the Betsy-Tacy series, with zombies"


"A time travel thriller set in the shadow of Vesuvius"

or...whatever shows up in my inbox.

Once I post the agent's wish, you will have a couple days to submit your query and first 250 words to me.  If I feel that your entry is strong enough to pass the agent's desk, I will post it here on the blog, where it will be open for public critique, INCLUDING THE AGENT.

If the agent likes it, he/she can ask to see more.  If the agent doesn't like it, he/she will be able to tell you WHY.  Which is a rare and beautiful thing, indeed.

And, yes, you will know who the agent is when I post the wish.

Sound good?  Post your questions below!

(And, yes, I've already got a couple of wishes waiting...)


  1. Hi! First 250 pages or first 250 words? :)

    1. OMG I have made that mistake so many times! WORDS! I meant words. :)

    2. 250 pages made my fingers slip from the keyboard. I think I can manage 250 words on most any subject. Glad to see even the accomplished can sometimes err.

  2. This sounds brilliant from all kinds of angles. Thanks for helping the world of writers again!

  3. Sounds great! Is there a way to find out a little ahead when it is about to happen? Subscribe to your blog? Or do you have an email list?
    Or is it just random? Thank you for doing this!

  4. Yay! At first I thought it sounded like MSWL, but this is more interactive. Thanks for being awesome!

  5. What an amazing opportunity! Too bad I have nothing complete right now except for some picture books. Better get busy!

  6. This sounds like an awesome opportunity--thank you!

  7. I'm anxious to see the list! What a fabulous idea.

  8. Yeah!! Can't wait to see what it is!!

  9. our submission must be a finished novel? OR can it be a work in progress?

    1. Alice, the submission must be a finished novel. Agents are never interested in unfinished works (or even finished first drafts).

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This sounds like a great idea. Helpful to both the agent, author, and anyone wanting to sub to that agent.

  12. Wow, this is a great opportunity. Getting feedback on why an agent doesn't like something is silver -- got to save the term 'golden' for if the agent liked it!

  13. Cool idea! So many form rejections, so little understanding....

    1. If you don't feel the entry is strong enough, will you say why?

    2. That is a good question! I am guessing, right now, that no, I will not have the time to do that. If, on the other hand, submissions are fairly low, I may be able to say why. But mostly I'm going to be reading with an eye to whether the particular agent might like it, and not whether I personally like it. "Strong" is subjective, but I can tell you right now that it's going to be all about the writing -- and voice. :)

  14. Are your wishes only going to be for MG and higher, or will we maybe see some wishes for picture books and chapter books?

    1. It all depends on agent response! There are a couple of agents on my list who do rep PBs and CBs, but if they don't send me any wishes, I can't post them.

  15. Terrific...what a coup for the community.
