
Thursday, May 12, 2016

Call For Submissions: ARE YOU HOOKED? Adult Genre Fiction

Our recent ARE YOU HOOKED? round for Middle Grade was a success, so let's move forward with a special round for adult genre fiction!

If you write anything that falls under the umbrella of "genre fiction" (science fiction, historical, mystery, fantasy, romance, etc.), this round is for you!  (If you write literary or commercial fiction or kid lit, this round is not for you.)

Submission guidelines:

  • The submission window will be open from 1:00 PM EDT today until 1:00 PM EDT tomorrow.
  • Submit a 50-words-or-less LOGLINE and the first 250 words of your manuscript.
  • The bot will accept 30 entries (this is not a lottery).
  • (If for some reason response is bigger, I'll open another 10 slots.)
  • Your excerpts will post on MONDAY, MAY 16.
  • ADULT GENRE FICTION ONLY!  If you enter anything else, it will be disqualified.
  • Enter HERE.
Questions below!


  1. I had everything ready to go, but I can't submit because of an email verification, even though it's the same email I've used for this blog for years. Now, even though I click on the email verification button, nothing happens.

  2. Hmm. Try it in a new browser.

    If this is the first time you've used our updated bot, it doesn't matter what email you've used before. It always asks for verification the first time you submit an entry (and after that, it won't ask you any more).

    Let me know if changing browsers resolves this.

    1. I'm having a similar issue - for whatever reason, the verification email from the bot never makes it to my inbox. I've tried two different emails, two different browsers - nothing's working.

    2. Uh oh. :( Did you check spam? I will ping my bot guru.

    3. That was the first thing I did when I didn't see it in my inbox. There's nothing there. I did the resend verification thing like, seven times. No luck. :(

    4. I tried three different browsers. None of them are allowing me to verify my email. :(

    5. Okay, I think there's a legitimate problem here -- it's not you guys. The contest has been open for 19 minutes and there are no submissions yet -- something is definitely wrong.

      I will extend the submission time, so hang with me! Sometimes it takes a while to pin Michael down.

    6. Thank you for the extension! I was all kinds of excited for this contest. :)

    7. We'll get it worked out -- even if we have to go into the weekend. Michael did make some changes recently, and somethings things go wonky afterward. This may be a wonky bit! Check my Twitter feed for updates! (And thanks for your patience!)

  3. Ok, phew... thought I was the only one having an email verification problem. Glad I checked in

  4. Nothing is happening on my end either. Can't open the drop site.

  5. Hey, my book can be categorized as "crossover fantasy." Will this count for the entry?

    1. Yes! But give us 30 minutes or so before entering. There's a glitch, and we're down for maintenance.

  6. Crud. Wish I'd checked out the comments before I just entered. Sigh. Does this mean I'll need to submit again? I didn't have any request for an email verification but it did say the contest was full.


    1. The contest is not full. We are down for maintenance. Try again in about half an hour -- Michael is setting it so that all emails are automatically verified.

  7. Replies
    1. Good question! Yes, as long as it is genre fiction as specified above.

  8. Thanks so much for doing all of this. I solemnly swear I'll check comments first next time. :)


    1. Heh! No worries at all! We usually don't run into problems like this. :)

  9. How do we know if our entry was accepted? First timer:). Thanks!
