
Friday, August 26, 2016

Friday Fricassee

Thank you for all your critiques this week.  I wish you could get a glimpse of my inbox on the days when critiques are pouring in--it's like this constant stream of tangible support and good will.  And when I see the same name over and over and over and over again, it blows me away.

I just want to take a moment to offer a special thank-you to those who critiqued ALL or MOST of the entries this week.  I'm blown away by your commitment to helping your fellow writers.

So awesome.

Next week?  Lots of things!  Namely:
  • An amazing interview with author ADAM HEINE (and a wonderful, writerly give-away)!
  • An in-house critique session.  The call for submissions will post on Tuesday.
  • The SHOWCASE of our fabulous ON THE BLOCK agents!
As for me?  Ugh.

Not an overall "ugh" -- it's just that I'm slogging through a murky, icky, this-isn't-working section of my WIP.  I'm pushing through with my 1000-a-day, but for the past several days, it's been painful.  I'm going to have a lot of work to do when I start my revisions, and it just feels...ugh.  I'm not complaining (much); I know this is part of it, and it's one of the reasons I hate drafting.  But I'm 55,000 words in and on target for my October 1 deadline.  

If you're in an icky spot, too, please feel free to join my ugh party.  I think that, if we throw all our ughs together, the resultant explosion might catapult us forward.  It's worth a try!

Then again, it could just be that misery loves company. :)

Hugs to you all!  Thanks for a great week; next week will be even better!


  1. At least you're drafting. That's better than I'm doing.

    Maybe take a quiet moment to ask whether this latest slog is the result of a bad choice - wrong action or motivation or something that doesn't feel right for a particular character. Often that's where this sort of feeling comes from - it's your body telling you what your brain won't acknowledge. Fixes include: doubling back to where it went off and writing forward from there, writing yourself a lengthy note about it for revisions, or struggling forward kneoknf one of those paths is likely to be there unannounced in revision.

    1. It is the result, I'm sure, of having planned something a certain way, and that "way" isn't fully fleshed out enough, so it isn't working. The writing-lengthy-note-to-self is the way I'm going to go. Right now, I'm schlepping through, because I do know where I'm going and what the climax looks like. I'm just not getting there the right way. :(

      I love what you said about your body telling you what your brain won't acknowledge. It's kinda like you really know what you're talking about or something. ;) XOXO

  2. I'm drafting fairly easily just now, but I can see my ugh spot on the horizon. I have no idea what I'm going to do when I get to that part. The idea I had suddenly doesn't make sense and nothing else has presented itself yet! Cross your fingers for me that I get it figured out in 15K or so words.

    Let's just both keep the an eye on the prize -- Revisions! That's my favorite part. Drafting is overwhelming. Building foundations is not my strong suit, but I really like to add all the flourishes afterward.

    1. Oooo, a LOOMING UGH SPOT! :) I have to admit that mine started looming before I hit it, too. I swear we sometimes press forward in the midst of denial!

      And YES to revisions! You know how much I love those. I'm with you -- let's keep our eyes on that prize!

  3. I'll join the UGH party. I'll even bring some UGH cupcakes.

    I loved reading how differently everyone read/interpreted the loglines.

    1. We'll call them UGHCAKES. :))

      And here's my opportunity to thank you personally for ALL YOUR CRITIQUES. Thank you! (And you should see what "don't hate me don't hate me don't hate me" look like in my inbox! ^.^)

    2. Ha! That would be a might freaky at first.

      I did have a question, which I forget to ask (I was excited about the UGH party), should loglines use character names?

      Holly strongly suggested we use them, but all those sites on how to "make a killer logline" say not to. Rather they say stuff like, Don’t use a character has no intrinsic information and therefore it's useless. Instead, tell us something about the character such as timid werewolf, aquaphobic lifeguard."

      I found a couple of sites that say "it depends" but then didn't say what the qualifiers were. I found those site very annoying. :(

  4. I seem to be getting my best ideas during the commute to work. A scene just comes to me and will flow more naturally than the one I wrote. This could get dangerous for me... I my need to start telling Siri these ideas and having her save the voice memos for me.

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