
Thursday, September 1, 2016

Name That Genre #36

TITLE: Secret
GENRE: YA Secret

As I climb Mount Halex, I look out at my beautiful village and wish I could save it.

I’ve explored nearly every part as a gatherer. The seaside shrubs that produce fruit, glowing with brilliant, sacred light. The same light that illuminates the forest at night. I’ve felt the thick presence of the gods’ magic, the looming fear of this gods-forsaken mountain. But I’ve never climbed it, gripping ropes for my life. I’ve never searched for the sacred zyca fruits.

Until now.

And all I can do is try to breathe through the suffocating cold, cursing as my best friend climbs next to me, her curly blond hair contained under a thick fur hat. Larah yelps with every pull upward. “I hate this.” Her breath is ragged, her voice even airier than normal. She seems so delicate here. Her small frame, small arms, small hands. Not many know her true power. Her true ferocity.


  1. This is so interesting with the glowing sacred fruit trees and references to a religion with multiple gods. Definitely a fantasy!

  2. This entry screams, "Fantasy!" Magic, gods, glowing plants. Yup.

  3. Fantasy. Lots of interesting bits here although you might want to edit for passivity to make the moment and descriptions pop.

  4. Fantasy adventure. Those fruits will be central to the plot and it's going to take our protagonists on a wild journey to acquire them. At least I hope.

  5. Fantasy
    The glowing fruit and magic suggest a fantasy world, and the I think the friend may have powers, or else she's a trained warrior or something like that.

  6. Fantasy

    village, glowing, gods

  7. Fantasy. Gods, hidden powers, glowing fruit. Nicely done.

  8. Fantasy. Second world setting, strange plants and geography, mentions the gods and magic.

  9. Fantasy

    She lives in a village, the mention of gods and magical fruit, Larah's 'true' power.

    You might consider showing those opening pargs, rather than telling them. Lots of good stuff there that will bring the reader in closer.

  10. Fantasy
    It's definitely not Earth as we know it.


    My guess based on the otherworldly setting and the mention of gods.

  12. fantasy
    gods, village, magical fruit, power

  13. Fantasy: The words village and gatherer hinted in this direction, and sacred light convinced me.

  14. Fantasy

    All the details point to another world, as well as the tone of the writing.

  15. Fantasy

    Your world building and talk of power clued me in

  16. Fantasy.
    Sacred mountain, fruit, light

  17. Fantasy. Gathering things is a common way to start a fantasy, plus the reference to gods and the zyca fruit.
