
Friday, February 1, 2019

Friday Fricassee

Can it actually be that I'm writing 2 Friday Fricassees in a row?

In its heyday, this blog boasted 10 Secret Agent contests a year, the grand Baker's Dozen Agent Auction in December (5 stellar years, lots of success stories), and ongoing in-house critique sessions. It was hard to keep up that pace, though, and I gradually cut things back. Then, when I sold my book and was suddenly faced with my first deadline, I realized I had to cut back even more.

I'm not promising a return to the monthly Secret Agent contests or any end-of-year hullabaloo, but I do want to be mindful of offering more in-house critique, because IT IS SO HELPFUL. So if you're not subscribed to this blog (see right side bar) or following me on Twitter, do it now! Then you'll always know what's coming up next.

Which leads me to this fun announcement: Our next Secret Agent contest is officially scheduled for April! Keep your eyes on the blog for early info, to determine whether your genre is a fit for this agent.

Honestly, this past contest was so filled with positive energy, and the agent was such a delight to work with, that I found myself thinking, "So, why haven't I been doing as many of these lately?". Which, of course, works in your favor. :)

As my release date looms closer (September 10!), I'm sure I'll go a bit dark again. But for now, while I've hit my stride with "Untitled" (I mean, it actually does have a title, but that's just for my eyeballs right now), I feel like I can give a bit more here.


And now I need to make myself a cuppa coffee (pour-over--my new love!) and sit down with my erasable marker (who knew that was a thing??) and the first-pass pages of STORMRISE. I've got 2 weeks to go through this thing word by comma by emdash. And that'll be the last time I see it until it's an advanced review copy!

(My stomach just dropped. Again. Wouldn't it be great if we burned calories every time that happened? I'd be at least 5 pounds lighter by now.)

Have a joyful weekend!


  1. Two weeks seems so short for such an in-depth review. I totally think it would be cool if we could drop calories when that happened!

    1. Hah! So true! And honestly, this is SO much easier than drafting a novel (which I despise!) that it doesn't feel like a huge burden. I'm sort of surprising myself by how chill I've been--at least so far!

  2. LOVE that your book drops on my birthday! Congrats again!

    1. Oh, hooray! It's also my dad's birthday, so definitely a special date! :)

  3. I just joined your blog after seeing the Secret Agent Contest. I like the way you write your posts and I think this is going to be a fun blog to follow. I look forward to reading all that you can tell us about writing.

    1. Hi, Patricia! Thanks so much for following. The archives here are huge, so feel free to browse through--you'll find lots (and lots!) of things about writing that I've posted over the past decade. :)

