
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Pitch for the Win #14 - MG Fantasy

TITLE: Thalia, the Magic Book Doctor
GENRE: MG Fantasy

Thalia lives in a café-library that is one of the last centers of storytelling in the universe.
When Thalia realizes that her master, Mister Mugger, steals the storytellers’ muses and traps them inside a binder, she comes to the rescue. The problem is the Frost Queen, the binder’s keeper, who feeds on imagination and reports to Mugger. Without her imagination and with Mugger watching, can Thalia think of a good plan to save the day?


  1. Wow, I can already get a sense of the story world :) Amazing. Great conflict and stakes!! Awesome pitch.

  2. I love Loie’s enthusiasm. I, however, am a wee bit confused.

    The world building is great. I love the idea of a cafe as the center of storytelling for the universe. But is Mugger the obstacle or the Frost Queen?

    Also stating that she comes to the rescue seems to contradict that she’ll have to come up with a plan to save the day. If they’re rescued, she doesn’t need a plan. Not what you meant.

    Maybe a bit of rearranging. She wants to save the muses because... But she must outsmart the keeper who feeds on imagination. (does this mean anything she thinks of gets eaten and can no longer be enacted? or does it mean the keeper will know the plan?)

    Sounds delightfully fun!
