
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Pitch for the Win #5 - Fantasy

TITLE: Bear Guard
GENRE: Adult Fantasy

On the vast Northern Border, where the Bear Empire touches the kingdom of spirit beings, five outcast soldiers are thrown together by the machinations of a calculating Empress. But when they stumble upon a plot that stretches across borders and over a decade, they realize they may have a chance to prevent a war that could ravage the continent. Trying to stop it, though, may cost them their friendships, their sanity, and their very lives.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is great! Succinct but intriguing, with just enough information to keep us wanting more. You might be able to combine the last two sentences to streamline it a little more -- something like "...prevent a war that could ravage the continent, though doing so may cost them their friendships, their sanity, and their very lives."

  3. It sounds like you have a vast, perhaps epic fantasy with multiple main characters. To make it more eye-catching, you might name one of the main characters and say what stakes he or she has in this.

  4. Interesting premise! Is it possible to be a bit more specific about the stakes? For example, "madness leading someone to kill their own friends" is always a bit more interesting than just "madness." Insert in whatever type of madness you meant.

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