
Monday, June 17, 2019


Hey, lovelies! I've got a new contest for you!

PITCH FOR THE WIN is just what it sounds like--you'll enter a pitch for your (completed) novel to see if it wins the attention of one of our participating published authors.

Here's how it will work:

1. Submissions will be on Monday, June 24, from 12:00 PM to 7:00 PM EDT.
2. To enter, submit the title, genre, and a pitch (75 words or fewer) HERE.
3. All genres will be accepted EXCEPT erotica and erotic romance.
4. The bot will choose 50 entries.
5. Once the entries post (on Wednesday the 26th), our community will begin to critique them. AT THE SAME TIME, our visiting authors will be reading and choosing their favorites.
6. The authors, in NBA lottery draft style, will each get to choose a pitch that grabbed their attention. The winning entrants will be invited to email their first 250 words for critique by the authors who chose them.
7. These critiques will be posted here for all to see (and learn from!).
8. Others may also weigh in on their critique of these winning entries.

I'll be announcing our authors this week, so stay tuned! Please ask your questions below--and spread the word! You've got a week to fine-tune your pitch.

Let the fun begin!


  1. Ooo, fun! Tuning and fine tuning!

    Thank you for your continued generosity, dear Authoress! You inspire us in so many ways. :)

    1. It's my pleasure! And inspiration flows in both directions. xo

  2. Very cool! Thanks for sponsoring so many helpful events for writers!

  3. I'm missing one aspect of the contest. How do I fine tune my pitch. Is there a way to edit the one that is posted? Sorry for my confusion. Thank you for featuring this fun event.
