
Monday, August 25, 2008

Call For Submissions: Can you hook a SECRET AGENT? Round Two

Submissions are now open for our second Secret Agent Are You Hooked? contest.

Here are the guidelines -- PLEASE READ CAREFULLY:

Please submit THE FIRST 250 WORDS of your completed manuscript to facelesswords(at) You have from now until Tuesday, August 26 at 9:00 am EDT (2:00 PM London) to send your submission. Submissions sent after the 9:00 am time stamp will not be included.


Commercial fiction (no fantasy or sci/fi)
Literary fiction with a commercial edge
Historical romances


Please format your submission as follows:

TITLE and GENRE at the TOP of the page.

Please -- no boldface, underline, or funky fonts. (Italics are OK, but please not for the title/genre.)

Please -- include a SCREEN NAME that I can use for identification purposes. It is not necessary to use your real name. All submissions will be posted anonymously.

ONLY ONE SUBMISSION per person. Subsequent submissions will be deleted. (It's a matter of sanity.)

By submitting your work to Miss Snark's First Victim, you are giving inherent permission for a) your work to be posted anonymously on this site; and b) your work to be critiqued by the readership of this blog and by our Secret Agent.

Language deemed "too offensive" by Authoress will be bleeped with asterisks, as per my "rules" page (see link to the left). Otherwise, your writing will not be edited in any way, except for formatting issues that may pop up (let's hope they don't).

Submissions that do not follow these guidelines will be subject to elimination from the contest.'re sure you've read them carefully, yes? Because I hate rejecting things. Ur, people.

Okay, here we go! I'm uber-excited. Your posts will appear on Wednesday, ripe for the critting.

Best wishes to all!


  1. Authoress -- do you mean first 250 words?

    Your secret agent might be having a heart attack right now. ;-)

  2. ACK!!! LOLOL

    Yes, I'll change that...thanks. :P

  3. Awesome! Big thanks to Authoress and our new secret agent!

  4. I have just sent myself into a hot flash. My computer is acting up and as I was in the middle of composing my email, it randomly sent the email – not once but twice! Please don’t eliminate my third email because it looks as if I’m doing 3 submissions. The third one’s the real one!
    Thanks so much for setting this up again, Authoress. And thanks to the Secret Agent for taking the time.

  5. You know what I found hard with this? The screen name! Not the writing, or formatting, but the silly screen name.

    I just know I should have used "Mrs. Gerard Butler"...

    Maybe next time!

    I will add my thanks also. I can't wait to see the other posts. It always amazes me at how talented everyone is. Must be why they say it's such a competetive world out there in that elusive agent hunt!

    Good luck everybody.
    :) Terri

  6. Hooray!

    Thank you Authoress and Agent for this fun. I'm sitting this round out but I'll go through and comment on what I can. :o)

    This should be fun.

  7. Can I enter even if I am not interested in the "agent" part of the prize? In other words I'd like the feedback from the comments section, and would comment on others' entries, but I have an agent.

    Either way, I love this thing, reading the entries is always so fun.

  8. CC,

    It would probably be better if you didn't enter, since you are agented. You would not be eligible for the prize, should the agent choose your entry as the strongest.

    If you're craving feedback, though, we do this sort of thing on a regular basis, minus the "Secret Agent." We've got super critters around here! So I'd encourage you to sign up to receive the blog via email or your RSS feed. That way you'll know the next time we're "group critting." :)

  9. Thanks Authoress, I completely understand! I'll be back to read the entries. Wish you great results!

  10. This is my first time. When I emailed my submission, I put my screen naqme in the subject line - Ridgerunner. I couldn't find any instructions about where to say it. Is that okay?

  11. Anon, that's perfectly fine, I'll see it there! :)

  12. Hurray!

    I'm looking foward to critting everyone who enters. As a children's writer I'm sitting this one out, but I'm quite excicted to see what sort of stuff gets submitted and tell the authors if I'm hooked or not.

  13. I'm excited!

    I love mysteries and thrillers, and didn't get to see much of that last time, so I'm looking forward to reading and critting this new batch of writings.
