
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Important Message From Ginger Clark

Here it is, folks:

If Ms. Clark mentioned in her comments about your entry in the Secret Agent contest that she would DEFINITELY KEEP READING, she invites you to email the link to your contest entry to her.

If you need her email address, please email me at facelesswords(at)

If you need help figuring out how to send the link to your specific entry, email on that count, too.

So there you go. Always something fun around the corner, yes?


  1. That's wonderful! I didn't enter this round, but I'm happy for those who did. Yeah, to those who received a positive feedback. Good luck to all of you.

    Thanks Miss Clark!

  2. Wow ... I don't know what to do. I sent her a query right before this contest, and haven't heard back, but she said she'd keep reading on my entry.

    Should I re-query?

    I guess it couldn't hurt.

  3. By my count, there were two "definitely," two "I'm intrigued," one "I am hooked," and one "I love this."

    Should all of these be considered "definitely" in terms of emailing Ms. Clark?

    And I'm assuming she does not want to hear from those who just got a I'd keep reading without a superlative?

  4. Allow me to clarify:

    If she wrote, "I would keep reading," that counts. I added the superlative so that any "on the fence" entries would not be included. As in, "I might keep reading if..." or that sort of thing.

    And Sarah....she isn't asking for a query; she actually wants a link directly to your entry here. So go for it. =)

  5. Great news. I was wondering about the "definitely" . I got two "I'd keep reading" comments from her, so I wasn't sure if I'd be able to send her the links.

    Thank you!

    Authoress, I appreciate all your hard work!

  6. This is great news- thank you so much Authoress and Ginger Clark!

    Good luck everyone :)

  7. Awesome news everyone! I already had my shot with Ms. Clark since she'd already requested from me. Good luck to those sending her more material!

  8. Congrats to everyone who got a "I'd keep reading" comment, but even to those who didn't, this is such a great learning experience that you have to consider the outcome a positive even if you didn't "win", so to speak. Having people comment on your first page really helps you see it more objectively. And having an honest, if brief, response from a great agent like Ms. Clark is such a help.

    Miss Aspirant

  9. Thanks to Ms. Clark and Authoress for taking the time to do this. I only had a "I'd keep reading" with qualifiers, but as it happens, I already queried this agent a few weeks ago, and now I have more specific feedback about why it didn't work for her. Feedback is always useful, so thanks to all of the commenters who participated! :)
