
Thursday, March 25, 2010

103 Thriller

TITLE: Untitled
GENRE: Adult Thriller

I had never stared down the barrel of a gun before. Even with such a close look, I still couldn’t tell what kind it was.


  1. I have a disconnect between the first two sentences: If the MC had never stared down the barrel of a gun before (S1), of course he couldn't tell what kind of gun is was (S2).

    Not quite hooked, although staring down the barrel of a gun is definitely an attention-getting opening.

  2. not hooked only because of the second half of the sentence. :0)

  3. Just b/c he hasn't stared down the barrel of a gun, doesn't mean he doesn't know guns, but there is a bit of a leap involved to make the connection. Clarifying, a bit, I think would help. Partial hook for me.

  4. I'm curious. Not totally hooked, but enough that I'd read a little more to see what was going on.

  5. I liked the first sentence, but expected more from the second. I'd read on a bit, at this point.

  6. Sorta hooked, but I think the second sentence could use some re-wording

  7. First sentence hooked me. Second took all the drama away.

  8. Why would the MC care what kind of gun it was while he was staring down the barrel. I don't know about this one.

  9. The first sentence is great. The second throws me. Why isn't (s)he scared stiff? Also, it is impossible to tell the make of a gun by staring at the muzzle.

  10. Semi-hooked because the MC is trying to figure out the make of the gun, rather than freaking out that he's nose-to-nose with one. I'm reading it as a clue to his psyche, not a disconnect.

  11. Am I the only one who likes the second sentence? I think it's perfect and put a unique voice into it right at the beginning, plus it adds just a touch of humor to an obviously serious situation. Unless it isn't intended to do that. If so, I love it.

  12. Not hooked. I wonder if anyone could tell what it was from that position?

  13. Not hooked, sorry. It feels too familiar and not enough spark.
