
Thursday, March 25, 2010

138 MG

TITLE: The Adventures of Puckatoo
GENRE: Middle Grade

I jumped from the back seat to the front, onto Tom’s lap and off again, and stuck my snout out the passenger’s window to feel


  1. Interesting -- was in the mindset of dog right away, but since I'm not a fan of the little ones, I'd probably pass.

  2. Not sure. At first it seemed lewd, then "snout" came in... so now I'm wondering to what the snout belongs...

  3. Like others, I am not hooked, but would keep reading the next few sentences/paragraphs to see if it grabs me.

  4. Sorry... I'm not hooked yet. I think the wording could be nudged around here, maybe split the sentence in two. The line as it was feels rushed and rambly.

    Random: Is this a pet pig? That's mainly what comes to mind because of the 'snout'. Pigs have snouts, dogs have noses. Or at least in my mind. :)

  5. The title caught my interest as I scrolled down, but the sentence didn't.

  6. Talking dog books...not really my thing. Unless the dog has something truly unique to say. So not hooked, I'm afraid.

  7. It took until 'snout' to realize this was an animal. Didn't make sense to me up until then. Not too hooked yet.

  8. I'd keep reading. I liked the surprise of figuring out it wasn't a person.

  9. I liked the fact that I immediately knew I was in a dogs mind. If you can keep it up throughout the book I'd read it.

  10. Not really--first person animal narrators are hit and miss with me (I love anthrofiction, but I'm not as taken with human/animal stories if the animal is narrating).
