
Thursday, March 25, 2010

63 Historical Fiction

TITLE: Prince of the West
GENRE: Historical Fiction

Iudila pounded on the door of the ship's hold. "Claudia. Anyone," he shouted, his voice shrill. His cries went unanswered.


  1. A ship's hold doesn't have a door. It may have a hatch. I don't think you've done your research.

  2. Not really hooked. Seemingly random yelling just doesn't grab me like it used to.

  3. Not hooked. Not enough context (I know, I's only 25 words.)

  4. I'm not hooked—yet. Perhaps if we get more of a hint of Iudila and why he is trapped? I know, that's tough to do in the first 25 words ...

  5. Not hooked, sorry. I'd like to see heightened action and maybe get a feel for the experience. Then I'd be in.

  6. I also am not hooked, but I would likely read a little further to be sure.

    I had the same issue with the door as the first commenter did. A cabin had a door, a hold has a hatch. I'm not sure what I'm seeing here.

  7. Sorry, gonna have to say no. Doesn't really flow for me.

  8. Not hooked. The name was a mouthful for me, the door should have been a hatch, and there's room to tell me why he's screaming in the first sentence.

  9. Not hooked yet...Perhaps if the title gave me a little more it would help.

  10. Not hooked. "The First Five Pages," by Noah Lukeman, offers great advice for starting a story. You'll find he'd like your character's names and the plot. Keep writing!

  11. Not hooked. First I was thrown by the weird name (I thought he was a girl at first). I'd read some more to see where it's going though because it's really hard to grab the reader with a few words only.

  12. Not my genre, and this didn't suck me in enough to give it a try.
