
Thursday, March 25, 2010

83 Paranormal

TITLE: Taming Raven
GENRE: Paranormal

Death was such a nasty thing.

Especially if it was yours.
It was uncomfortably apparent that she was going to die tonight.


  1. Already get a sense of the voice here, which can be hard to do in just a few opening sentences. Provocative last line, but maybe a little more of a hint of what is to come, of plot or setting...

  2. Not hooked -- this sort of opening seems more commonplace nowadays.

  3. I'm not usre if this is second or third person, and I'm also confused bout the tense. Not hooked.

  4. the was, was, was slowed me down. Try something more active and I'd be more hooked.

  5. uncomfortably? I don't think you need that. only semi-hooked.

  6. Not hooked. There seem to be a lot of MCs dead, dying, or about to die.

  7. confused about the POV, & I agree with Steena about the word uncomfortably not being necessary

  8. Sort of hooked. The last sentence is what makes it sort of. I feel confused.

  9. Not too sure about this. The word 'was' is used 4 times; I'd probably keep reading if revised in a more active tense.

  10. Semi-hooked. Having someone be so completely unconcerned by the thought of their own death is hard for me to connect to, so I'd be seeking some other reason to like the MC. I'd keep reading a bit and give it more time.

  11. I'm in the sort-of hooked category. This is close. But I don't yet feel a connection with the MC. I agree the writer's voice is coming through here. I'd play around with the words just a bit. Good start!

  12. Put sentence #3 at the start, n' I'd be HOOKED! ㋡

  13. meh, hooked enough to keep reading. Though I do despise openers that make it sound like the MC will die, like, NOW! Because, well, we all know they don't or they wouldn't be a novel written about said person.

  14. not hooked.sorry.

  15. I really liked the first two lines, but you kind of lost me on the third. I'd keep going anyway, but the third line just seemed...jarring.

  16. The point-of-view sounds like it's switching. That's a big offense in my book, but yes, I would keep reading.

  17. Hooked. I wanted to read more ... but I'd have edited the piece with more active verbs than "was".

  18. I'm intrigued, but you used "was" four times in three sentences...

  19. Not really hooked, because it didn't feel unique enough.

  20. Posted too soon.

    I like the voice, but I keep seeing openings with "Death..." and while I liked the first line, taken as a whole it just didn't grab me. Almost, but not quite.

  21. I'd give it a little more. The first two sentences grabbed me, but the third less so.

  22. I really liked the first two lines. The third felt clunky
