
Thursday, March 25, 2010

92 UF

TITLE: Father Value
GENRE: Urban Fantasy

Ellie'd learned many useful lessons growing up under Father Value's tutelage. The one she used most often was this: never get cornered by a Creep.


  1. Partial hook. I'd keep reading to find out where it went and what a Creep with a capital C was, but I don't get much sense of Ellie's character or voice from this.

  2. Not hooked - name seems a bit too forced for me.

  3. Ooooooooh.....SO CLOSE!
    I'm not hooked by this opening. But I have a feeling this is leading somewhere I'd like. ㋡

  4. Almost hooked...not quite.

  5. I'm interested - but it's a little bit awkward.

  6. I stumbled over the "one lesson from..." part. Situation appealed a bit but I'd condense the sentences to something like:

    Mc had learned one thing in her ?? life -- never get cornered by a Creep. ... or something similar. I

  7. Hooked.

    I did not find this awkward. I liked the voice, and I really liked the punch at the end.

  8. Pretty hooked. Not fond of the title.

  9. I'd read on. I like the description of the most often used lesson. The only think I'd change is the first work. I don't like the contraction. Maybe: Elle had learned.

  10. I got caught up on the first word. Maybe make it Ellie had rather than Ellie'd.

  11. I agree about the title, and I wasn't liking it until, "never get cornered by a Creep." I'd keep reading. :)

  12. Thankee, all!

    The funny thing is, when I started writing it, Father Value was supposed to be the main character, but Ellie seems to have taken over. That's pretty much just the placeholder title in my docs folder, since I'm terrible at titles.

    I hear you all on the "Ellie'd" -- it's "Ellie had" in the original, but I was trying to shave off a word to make 25. Thinking about it, it might have worked better if I'd dropped the "this" in the second sentence instead.

  13. I really liked the final hook.

    The first sentence might be stronger if it was tighter.

    You could get rid of tutelage since it's implied by learned.
