
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Good News For Logline Critique Round One Participants

The witty and wonderful Adam Heine has agreed to host REVISED LOGLINES on his blog!  This offer is open to all 40 entrants from ROUND ONE.

So, dear entrants, if you've revised your logline as a result of having received critique on MSFV, here's your chance to receive critique on your new version!

Adam's instructions:
  • E-mail submissions to firstimpactAE(at) You'll get an auto-reply if I got it. 
  • Put "Logline Revision" and your ORIGINAL POST NUMBER in the subject line, so I don't miss it. 
  • List the TITLE and GENRE, just like you would for Miss Snark's First Victim. 
  • Please send all submissions before Tuesday night, October 9th. The sooner, the better. 
Also, there's no word count limit (though short loglines are happy loglines), and anyone who leaves a critique of the loglines will be eligible to win a 15-page critique from Jodi Meadows.

Did you catch that last part?  Adam has an ongoing Cool Thing on his blog, in which he offers prizes as an incentive for critiquing posted work.  He said there's no reason why this Logline Round shouldn't be included in that, so there you have it!

(I'm blessed with the Best Critique Partners in the Known Universe. It's true.)

The revised loglines will post on Adam's blog on Friday, October 12.  I'll remind you in my Friday Fricassee that morning, so you can high-tail it over there, offer your fabulous words of wisdom, and be entered for a chance to win the 15-page critique from Jodi.

(Oh, goodness.  She is FABULOUS.  I can never repay her for all she's poured into my own work.  You definitely want a chance to win this critique!)

Hooray!  Post your questions below.  And remember -- Round Two is coming up next week!  Details tomorrow.


  1. This is fantastic! Thank you so much Authoress and Adam Heine for the opportunity!

  2. This is fabulous! It;s like getting a double dip ice cream cone when you only ordered one:)

  3. Woohoo!!!!!! I'm super excited, thanks for another chance, Authoress & Adam!

  4. Adam is critiquing my first page today.
    Lucky me!

  5. This is awesome! Thank you for the second shot!

  6. This community is enough to warm the cockles of my heart.

  7. If we don't participate in the logline critique, may we still enter the (MG) Nov. 6th Baker's Dozen? Thanks Authoress!

  8. Absolutely, Karen! The logline critique rounds are not required; they are only out there for anyone who wants them!

  9. Thank you, Authoress,for yet another chance at this logline business. Can you please direct me to where they are? Have you vaulted them? Shall I just start from scratch since mine was pretty pathetic anyway? Thanks.

  10. Wow, so generous! Thanks to both of you for the opportunity!
