
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Name That Genre! #22

TITLE: Adult
GENRE: Secret

The revolving doors kept spinning, taking people into the terminal or spitting them out into harsh sunlight. Brad straddled his bags and watched people hurry past while, thirty feet away, Dean paced back and forth on a broad slab of cement. Dean’s voice cut through the distant jet engines and passing cabs as he talked on his cellular phone. With his eyes, Dean directed Brad toward the ramp leading to SFO arrivals. A black Range Rover with tinted windows and glistening rims rounded the corner.

Dean nodded, seemingly seeking rare approval.

Apparently this is what we’ve been waiting for, Brad thought as he eyed the approaching SUV—the low profile tires all wrong for jeep trails with deep ruts and jagged rocks. They hadn’t even pulled into the campground yet. Everyone will think we’re total a*******. Brad crossed his arms over his chest.

Dean covered the receiver and shouted, “First class all the way.”


  1. I don't know.

    I would guess it's something modern and grounded (not fantasy).

    That said, I'd probably keep reading.

  2. Thriller

    There is the promise of adventure.

  3. Thriller.

    Something's about to happen.

  4. I can't tell

    Unprepared men camping might be horror but I really have no idea

  5. Contemporary

    The modern references of vehicles and phones--but it could end up being something else entirely. It's hard to be sure based on this excerpt.

  6. Don't know.

    Its set in modern day so I guess contemporary but above that I'm not sure.

  7. Crime thriller? I'm guessing because of waiting for something mysterious at the airport and the tinted windows of the SUV.

  8. Not sure.

    There is certainly a hint at something ominous to come (perhaps)...but the seeking approval thing threw me.

  9. Contemporary.

    Although both thriller and urban fantasy had crossed my mind.

  10. I don't know

    Not enough detail. I don't know the relationship between Dean and Brad. Are they buddies, business partners, brothers?

    I would continue reading because I like the disconnect set up between Dean and Brad as evidenced by their differing opinion of the SUV. I would want to know what type of story this was pretty quick though.

  11. Can't tell, but I'll guess adventure -- since they're about to embark on a camping trip.

  12. Contemporary, but with a hint of mystery. The use of "cellular phone" threw me, because most people refer to them as cellphones or Iphone or Droid. Hard to see where this is heading. Good luck, Sarah

  13. Thriller.

    Because two guys and a black Range Rover. But not because I sense imminent danger. Could be romance. I can see conflict in the relationship.

  14. I can't tell.

    Wish I knew more about the relationship between Brad and Dean

  15. Can't tell.

    Re-written Supernatural fanfiction?

    Dean is geeking out over a black car while his traveling companion is the sensible one.

    Also going to guess contemporary romance and Brad is our leading man who will meet his lady either in the SUV (she's famous) or at the campground.

  16. Thriller?

    Feels a little ominous. Black range rover with tinted windows. I really thought someone was going to lean out the window and shoot one of them.

  17. Thriller? I'm really not sure, but camping in a Rover with tinted windows promises adventure.

  18. I hate to not make a guess, but I'm really not sure on this one. I want to say contemporary, but it feels like there is some thriller in it. With that said, I thought it was very well written, I'm curious to know more.

  19. Guessing contemporary drama. There's a lot of could-be here, but not much to go on until they get to the campsite. Good atmosphere though. I'm only not sure why the revolving door is a focus if they're outside, which makes me thing it's symbolic of relationships, but that could be me reading too much into it.

  20. I can't tell.

    Really, I don't have any idea. :S

  21. Contemporary

    Brad seemed worried about making the right impression, so I thought coming of age, but it's flagged as Adult.

  22. Contemporary - but it really could go anywhere once they leave the airport.

  23. Contemporary-Thriller.

    Revolving doors from terminal, jet engines, cell phone, jeep trails all details of modern life.

    Black Range Rover with tinted windows and glistening rims (a lovely masculine detail), low profile tires wrong for jeep trails (ditto), campground, First Class all the way, all speak to government or para-military org. and thriller.

  24. Mystery

    That's a total guess because I don't know. The narrator sounds young to me. The only thing that I can hang my hat on is that I don't know what's up with this black Range Rover, so... mystery.

    I don't get where the campground suddenly comes into things, since I thought they were at the airport.

  25. Thriller

    There's a black SUV and that says hidden government guys or black ops to me.


    I feel like I know more about the genre than just "contemporary"--brothers or maybe friends going out for an adventure in the mountains. There's going to be conflict between them because they have different expectations for the trip. But I don't know what the genre name is for the kind of book this leads me to expect.

  27. Contemporary
    There's not enough information to sort out whether the story will lead into a mystery or something else.


    Seems like an adventure coming and likely a bad one.

  29. Thriller. But I have to say that although it helps to set up that kind of scenario here, I'm a little concerned that a black SUV is an image that's starting to becoming an over-used cliché!

  30. From the author: Literary Fiction.

    Thanks so much for all the comments and interpretations. I appreciate everyone taking the time to leave feedback.
