
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Our Third Baker's Dozen Success Story

It's true!  Mid-January, and I'm announcing the third success story from the 2014 Baker's Dozen  I'd call this a successful auction!  Here's the story, in the author's words:

Dear Authoress,

Thanks so much for running your Baker's Dozen contest once more. I am so pleased to report that I signed with Tamar Rydzinski of the Laura Dail Agency in December. She won my contemporary middle grade manuscript (#53 - Last Chance) in the contest and offered rep on the 7th day of her exclusive. My manuscript was already out with a number of other agents, who, when I informed them of Tamar's offer of rep, asked for a chance to consider it. After a nail-biting couple of weeks and a flurry of e-mails and phone calls (and a few FABULOUS rejections), I remained convinced by Tamar's passion for my characters that she was the agent for me. After a long writerly journey, it's lovely to begin 2015 in the next phase of my career.

Thank you again for all of your encouragement and the many opportunities you offer to new writers. You are the Agent Fairy Godmother.

All the best,

Juniper Ekman


  1. Great news! I read the entry, & it's no surprise an agent snatched it up so quickly. Congratulations, Juniper!

  2. Congratulations! And yes, Authoress is totally the agent fairy Godmother!
