
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Name That Genre #21

GENRE: secret

Amanda pulled on the door handle with one hand and gripped Bailey’s leash with the other. Ugh! A slight dizziness rocked her head. Her stomach still felt queasy. But at least she could function this morning…for what it was worth.

Her grandmother appeared at the top of the stairs. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay?”

“Yes, I’ll be fine.” But she wouldn’t. “I’m feeling better.” If only that were true. Although no longer in the death grip of that blasted migraine, she couldn’t shake the nagging, taunting voices in her head, which were far more troubling…and they wouldn’t be dismissed with medication.

“Okay, see you shortly.”

She set off with her yellow Lab for his morning walk. The September sun wove its brilliance through the leaves, enchanting the path to the beach. Falmouth, Massachusetts was gorgeous this time of year, a stunning palette of rich earth tones set off by the azure sea.


  1. Contemporary.

    At first I thought she was pregnant, but now I wonder if she has an incurable disease.

  2. Contemporary
    The voices in her head gave me pause -- could be she's in the beginning stages of mental illness, could be metaphorical voices, could be the precursor to communication from another realm. But since the story feels very grounded in a realistic world, I went with contemporary.

  3. I can't tell.

    This could be Contemporary, the world seems very real, and the voices may well be a medical issue. Or the voices could be a result of some kind of Paranormal communication or even the start of a Fantasy. Hard to say without reading more.

  4. I can't tell.
    Seemed contemporary at first but then with the taunting nagging voices I wondered if it was sci fi or fantasy.

  5. Contemporary. Either an exploration of schizophrenia or a paranormal theme is developing.

    1. Modern setting. Paranormal if the voices are ghosts/spirits/animals, schizo if it's all in her head

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Contemporary

    I read this page recently on this site, but I can't remember what the genre is. But just looking at what's written, I'm guessing contemporary because of the modern setting and relatively normal situation.

  8. I can't tell.

    I'm leaning toward magical realism due to the migraine

  9. Paranormal, due to voices in her head and a contemporary setting.

  10. Paranormal, due to voices in her head and a contemporary setting.

  11. I can't tell

    Mystery perhaps, because I could imagine something happening on the dog walk. I'm not really sure.

  12. Contemporary
    The setting, the "normal" activity of walking the dog, the conversation with the grandmother all speak to a contemporary story. One that includes an MC suffering from a certain mysterious condition that she's struggling with.

  13. My guess is Magical Realism because of the realistic setting but with voices in her head.

  14. Contemporary. I think the "voices" are a metaphor. Everything else is realistic.

  15. contemporary
    Possibly the MC will be dealing with mental illness

  16. contemporary
    Possibly the MC will be dealing with mental illness

  17. Contemporary

    The grandmother, the walking of the dog. I think the voices she hears are probably mental illness but they could be supernatural too.

  18. I can't tell. It could be contemporary and she could have a mental illness. Or possibly a paranormal/fantasy element could come into play. Either way, it is some good solid world building.

  19. I can't tell. It could be contemporary and she could have a mental illness. Or possibly a paranormal/fantasy element could come into play. Either way, it is some good solid world building.

  20. FANTASY, sub-genre paranormal.

    The voices that cannot be taken care of with medication is a sign of being psychic.

  21. Contemporary
    Either realistic about someone struggling with a psychological disorder or paranormal. Too soon to tell.

  22. Not sure. Maybe contemporary realism; maybe paranormal (due to the voices in her head).

    For sure it's contemporary. Clues: migraine medication; word choices "ugh" and "blasted."

  23. I think Paranormal
    That's because of the voices but it could be contemporary with a disease or mental illness.

  24. Contemporary or Psych Thriller?
    The voices in the head are interesting because of course she could be battling memories but she could also be dealing with mental illness.
    I'm definitely curious to know!
    A small note: I had to re-read the first sentence of the 3rd paragraph a few times to get it. I know you're aiming for asides, but I wasn't entirely clear she was still talking to her grandmother. Is there a way to make that clearer?

  25. Contemporary.

    Feels like a fairly modern setting and a girl has problems (headaches and hears voices in her head).

  26. Paranormal. strange headaches, voices, raised by a grandma. She's got some odd power.

  27. Contemporary. Sorry about that migraine.

  28. This one is mine. Yes, it's contemporary. It's about a teen dealing with severe depression (where the voices in her head come from). She's always suffered with migraines, but when she is at her lowest emotionally, they are most severe.
