
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Name That Genre #22

TITLE: Young Adult
GENRE: Secret

There is a difference in this calling—like the foreboding I had on the day my mother chose to leave. I was only a fledgling, but I still feel the pain of her decision. A dull ache in my chest that only flying can relieve.

Above me, a seagull spreads her wings wide and teases me with her lazy spiraling dive. I dare to glance to the side, letting my impatience break my rigid pose. The others balance along the cliff’s edge, a long line of Falco. The elite are farthest away from me, their positions defined by skill. The last in our class is beside me, even though I placed above him—and above many of them—in our competitions. I remain at the end of the line, my mixed heritage trumping any strength I possess.

Movement flashes in the periphery of my vision, but I remain still.


  1. Fantasy

    Flying people with hints of dystopia. Mash up of Angel Experiment and Muggles?

  2. Fantasy
    Because of the flying people.

  3. Fantasy.

    Flying people.

  4. Fantasy.
    Fantasy popped into my head with the words: calling, fledgling, and flying (as in the mc flying).

  5. Fantasy.
    Fantasy popped into my head with the words: calling, fledgling, and flying (as in the mc flying).

  6. Fantasy, but could be contemporary magical, like shape-shifters.

  7. Fantasy

    Fledgling, flying. I assume they're either shape-shifters or some kind of humanesque flying creatures.

  8. Fantasy, as the character flies and is a "Falco."

  9. Magical Realism

    Is the protagonist a seagull?

  10. Fantasy. MC refers to time when s/he was a fledgling and the whole flying business.

  11. Fantasy
    The flying creatures, mention of the MC being a fledging and the reference to Falco. Love how the position of where each rests sounds a lot like where kids sit in the cafeteria at high school.

  12. fantasy
    MC is a flying creature of mixed heritage

  13. Fantasy

    Although I wasn't sure if we were inside the head of a bird or not but I think they are humanoids of some sort learning to fly.


    The MC is in a school that teaches kids how to fly. Maybe military. Maybe dystopian too.

  15. Fantasy
    Falco have an enviable ability, though they still need training. Lucky bird-like organisms.

  16. Fantasy

    Perhaps the narrator is a dragon? The details make it crystal clear the narrator isn't human.

  17. Animal Fantasy.

    Falcons lined on a cliff, preparing for flight lessons. Of the genus Falco.

  18. Sci Fi or Fantasy.
    Interesting, because if this were for a younger audience I might have assumed this was an animal story. But YA tells me this is possibly similar to Patterson's MAXIMUM RIDE series? About genetically engineered kids with wings -- which is why I guessed Sci Fi.
    Otherwise it's a simpler answer - Fantasy creatures!

  19. Fantasy

    Because of the calling, the flying creatures.

  20. Fantasy.

    The MC can fly for whatever reason.

  21. Fantasy

    The tone is of a distant different world
