
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Name That Genre #23


It wasn’t the fastest way to escape, but at least I was finally moving in the right direction. Away from him, away from home. It was better than staring at him all summer while I tried to weasel my way out of the mess I'd made.

The ocean air tossed my hair behind me, tangling it into a mess I’d have to fix later. I didn’t mind. Freedom was worth a few knots. When the ground beneath my feet lurched, I pitched forward. Scrambling to grab the ferry railing, I missed and waited for my face to meet the deck. Instead, something dug into my side and I stopped falling.

“Whoa, that was close. You okay?” I looked up at the source of the voice, the guy connected to the hands that saved me from face planting. He brushed wavy dark hair behind his ear and peered at me, his eyes wide.


  1. Contemporary romance

    Girl meets boy. Boy saves girl.

  2. Contemporary.

    Didn't seem to have any specific markers of other genres.

  3. Contemporary romance.
    Seems she's running from one guy and another saves her.

  4. Fantasy. I don't know why, but I get the feeling the guy who saves her is a vampire...which is kind of cool. I could be totally wrong, of course. Either way, I like the beginning to this story. Intriguing!

  5. Contemporary.

    Regular girl on the run from a messy situation with a guy, with no supernatural elements that I can see.

  6. Contemporary Romance
    Running from some guy and then falling into another guys arms.

  7. Contemporary Romance
    Running from some guy and then falling into another guys arms.

  8. Feel a romance coming on, but could be a thriller, too.

    1. Contemporary setting, romance because she meets a dude right off. She's on the run so that makes a thriller.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Historical

    You don't see too many teenage girls running away onto a ship in the modern world.

  11. Contemporary.

    It just has the feel

  12. Contemporary romance. Contemporary because she mentioned "all summer." Only someone on a school schedule would reference summer like that.

  13. Contemporary romance. Contemporary because she mentioned "all summer." Only someone on a school schedule would reference summer like that.

  14. Romance

    Probably contemporary romance? I could see this going thriller if she's done something like stabbed the first guy and is now moving on to her next victim. That first paragraph doesn't tell me many specifics about what actually happened to set this meeting up.

  15. Contemporary Romance. What Almitra said. I assumed the "he" she's running from is her dad, though.

  16. Contemporary Romance
    Because she's running from one boy to another one. Hopefully the new one works out better for her.

  17. YA contemporary romance.

    Girl stumbles, falls into arms of new love interest.

  18. Romance. But something has happened that makes her run away....possible some mystery type elements....

  19. Romance. But something has happened that makes her run away....possible some mystery type elements....

  20. ROMANCE.

    She is saved by a guy, but there is little description of the guy. Why is he staring at her anyway? Does she look strange? Alien?

  21. Contemporary Romance
    Perhaps she's running from her father. The guy who catches her when the ferry jolts may be her love interest.

  22. Contemporary realism.

    Clues: "face planting" is a modern-day phrase; also "whoa." Those word choices tell me this piece isn't historical.

  23. Romance. Guy saves girl from falling sounds like the start of a romantic relationship.

  24. Romance.
    Any time the opening paragraphs have a brand new guy in them - especially one "rescuing" the girl from a fall, I think romance. Especially a girl running from "the mess" she'd made.

  25. Contemporary Realistic.

    Because of the modern word choices and a girl running away from something (her dad, wicked step-father maybe). Because it's a YA, I doubt she's living with a boyfriend, the summer reference leans toward her being a student. Not enough descriptors like maybe her fantastical thoughts about the boy who saved her's gorgeous eyes or soft looking lips etc. to call it a Romance at this point.

  26. Contemporary Romance. I'm guessing "him" is her father. They're on summer vacation and the wavy-haired guy is the love interest.

  27. Romance

    Got hero and heroine together in 150 words. Good job!
