
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Drop The Needle: BAD GUYS

Shortly (or not so shortly), I will be posting the entries for this week's Drop The Needle.

We've got some doozies. :)

Be kind, be honest, and please remember to critique if you are one of the authors.

And, too, I want to point something out: Please put on your thickest skins when reading crits of your own work. (Merc, you were born with a thick skin, so this doesn't apply to you. :D) This is subjective, and it's also meant to be helpful, not to tear you down. Use the input to grow as a writer, and, in this case, to work toward developing the best antagonist you can.



  1. Awesome! *goes to read*


    P.S. I hear the doctors were really confused to see a baby born with Kevlar and titanium skin... %-)

  2. They should never have released the infant into society.......


  3. Alas, the poor doctors tried to keep her locked up for the good of all mankind, but she chewed her way through the walls and escaped! %-)

    Only 7 entries? Aww, I was hoping for more. I LIKE this round. :D

