
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Okay, Ladies & Gentlemen: ARE YOU HOOKED?

And we begin! There are 113 entries. Yep, 113. (A prime number. Is this significant?)

Please read carefully:

1. Each submission will be posted separately. If your submission number DOES NOT MATCH the number I gave you when I sent your confirmation email, please let me know RIGHT AWAY.
2. Remember to critique! It's not "all about you." It's actually all about me. (No, not really...)
3. Keep an eye out for our Secret Agent. And be patient. The response was WAY bigger than I had anticipated. I would expect that our Secret Agent will need several days to get through all the submissions.
4. Be kind! Be tactful! And when you receive criticism on your own work, be gracious! Be open! This is how we learn, how we grow.
5. Remember, the main question for each entry is ARE YOU HOOKED? So try to begin your comments with a clear "YES" or "NO" to see whether the reader-hooking goal has been accomplished.

Are you ready? Posts will come up in numerical order, which means, of course, that they will be listed backward on the blog. goes...


  1. Hurray! :D

    I'm off to the library (then coffee shop--I can't tempt myself too much ;)) and will work on reading/commenting there.



  2. Help! I know I e-mailed an entry called "The Cotillion Figure", but I never got a confirmation and now I don't see it anywhere. Any ideas on what happened to it?


  3. I sent a confirmation for every entry. If you didn't receive a confirmation, I never received your entry. I double checked my spam folder just now, but nothing was in there, either.

    If you can tell me what email address you sent from, I can check my inbox one more time.

  4. The email was I may have had a server problem - my husband also says he didn't get two e-mails I sent him this week. Very frustrating, but probably not your fault. Sigh.

  5. Thanks so much for having the contest! It has been a huge stretch for me, and I can feel my writing fire being (slowly) re-ignited.

    And I'm glad I found your blog! :)

  6. I believe I was No. 99, but there is no sign of me! I received confirmation and everything... I'll search again.

  7. Authoress, you may go down in history as the first person to kill an agent by accidental overdose. (The more traditional fantasy, I believe, is manual strangulation. Let me hastily add that no one who submitted has ever fantasized about that!) ;-)

    There are some really good entries here!

  8. Well, I'm glad you inserted "accidental" because I didn't MEAN to do it. :)

    I agree that there are some really good entries here. I'm amazed by what's going on here.
