
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Personal Ego Boost

This is the kind of thing one refrains from posting on one's True Identity blog because, well, people might think one were boasting. (Subjunctive, right? That one sounded weird.)

So this weekend I bumped into some folks I haven't seen in almost ten years. (Nice folks, not the kind of folks you were hoping you'd never see again.)

"I saw you walking by," said Old Friend, "and I said to my wife, 'Hey, that looks like *insert Authoress's real name*." But then I said, 'But she's not old enough to be *insert Authoress's real name*!"

I almost kissed him. This guy is younger than I am. By several years. His wife is younger still. And he thought I was too young to be me.

Too young to be me!

I'm sure the myth was shattered when he got a closer look. But the warm glow wasn't shattered -- not for me. If old friends mistake me for a sipper of the fountain of youth, I'm going to revel in it until my wrinkles are too deep to allow me to play anymore.

So I'm a bit boosted. Stoked, even.

Sometimes it doesn't take much, you know?


  1. Feels good, huh?

    I was asked for my ID last time I was in a liquor store. I was horribly flattered! I made a comment about not being carded for years, and the snotty girl behind the counter snickered and said,
    "We have to ask EVERYBODY now, it's such a pain."

    There went my illusions of a youthful appearance, even if it was a bit delusional to begin with!

    :) Terri

  2. and the snotty girl behind the counter snickered and said,
    "We have to ask EVERYBODY now, it's such a pain."

    Don't you hate that? :P

    Last time I got carded, it was kind of the same thing. As in, if you look like you're 40 or under, they're going to card you. Yeah, thanks. :)

  3. Awww! That's awesome! I had someone the other day apologize repeatedly for asking to see my ID, and I was like, "Please, never apologize. I am ALWAYS happy to show my ID."

  4. I'm not 21 yet. 1 month and 10 days to be exact until I turn 21. So I HATE being carded for anything!

  5. It doesn't take much to make us happy.
