
Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday Fricassee

Another good crit session under our belts!

That, and Mr. Authoress is still speaking to me after my indiscreet disclosure of his amorous exclamations. Ya think maybe he loves me?

So, tell me. What are you dealing with this week as an author?


Writer's block?

Unbridled word flow?

Not enough time to dig into your WIP?

I'm dealing with deadly silence. As in, the Black Hole of Waiting To Hear Responses from requested material. Not that I'm not used to it. (You either get used to it, or you don't make it. It's that simple.) It's just that this week has been particularly annoying.

My progress has slowed a bit this week, too. I've had to write the first few pages of chapter 13 three times...and I'm still not sure about them. I like it better when words just fly from brain to fingertip, you know? Too bad it can't always be that way.

I'm also dealing with an incredible craving for homemade lemon bars. Feel free to leave some on my doorstep.

And while I'm getting in touch with my deepest thoughts, I might as well get schmoopy and say....I really like you guys! Thanks for making this blog something I want to spend time on.

Happy weekend!


  1. I have so many deadlines for my day job right now (I'm a self-employed graphic designer) that I haven't found time to write much at all this week. Or when I do fine time, my brain is mush because I'm so exhausted. Aargh!

    I'm fitfully waiting to hear from my agent how editors respond to Knight's Curse. Monday she told me everyone is still enjoying reading the manuscript, but no decisions have been made. It's only been a couple of months since it went out on submission, so I need to be patient. But it's so hard not to think about it all the time!

  2. Writer's block and not enough time.

    I spend most of my week studying and when I do have time, it's late and I'm tired, and my brain is tired.

    I have about 5 wips going because everytime I get stuck on one, I just write up something new. Is that bad? I started to think maybe I'm just not cut out for it, then I got a crit on one of my (completed) short stories that just gave me a boatload of encouragement that I was doing something right. Add that to the comments from Talkin's Heads and I'm starting to feel excited for my writing weekend.

    I hope I can get something moving on one or more of my other wips over the weekend.

    (Oh, and we love ya too Authoress!)

    Happy weekend to one and all!

  3. Silence-induced writer's block. My books out with editors right now, and the stress of it has me staring at a blank page.

  4. How about... stressing myself out on my WIP since I'm, uh, not done with it yet and have all of... four days?

    Silence from the submission front but it only bothers me when I'm not hearing from queries (about subs that have been more than a few months over the average RT--to mags) months after I sent them. ;-(

    Rejections, assuming they show up. Doesn't bother me.

    Um, otherwise... there is the possibility I could have a good weekend. :D


  5. Ike cleanup -- which I why I completely missed the last exercise about emotion (although I plan to go back and comment about every single one of the entries as time permits) and haven't chimed in about this session yet. (Has anyone missed me? LOL)

    Our house was mostly spared, but man is this island a mess! Lots of folks lost everything, and almost every plant is dead because it stood in seawater overnight. We neighbors keep finding each other's "stuff" in our yards -- so it's like a big swap meet. "Hey, Irv: Is this chest of drawers y'all's? It was about halfway up my ex-pecan tree. Don't tell Sadie her Victoria's Secret is out." "Yo, George! I think I've got your couch in my garage." Lord only knows where the telephone pole lying in the middle of my backyard came from. (And we have a six-foot fence -- well, most of one, anyway -- that it had to get over somehow!)

    I needed some new grist for the ol' writing mill, anyway.... The object lesson in dialog has been priceless. ;-)

  6. Wow....welcome back, disorderly!

    Sounds like a huge mess. But what great spirit you're showing must be a writer or something. ;)

    Here's to a speedy "get back to normal" for you and all your neighbors!

  7. Thanks, Authoress! Galvestonians are tough. We live on a freakin' sandbar for heaven's sake, and we do it intentionally. (Technically, that may qualify as insane instead of tough.)

    Well, it's back to cleaning for me! Word to the wise: Don't even be tempted to hope the stuff in your refrigerator somehow miraculously survived two weeks without power. It didn't -- trust me on this. DON'T (hack! cough! gag!) OPEN (vomit, vomit, vomit) IT! Just duct-tape the dang thing shut and kick it to the curb (literally), because you'll never get the smell out -- of the fridge or the house.

    Surprisingly, people don't look all that strange with clothespins on their noses....

  8. I have a "titch" of writer's block and a smathering of impatience. I've been waiting five months for a response on a flash fic. I even queried. No response still :(

    Oh, and I'm super excited about NaNoWriMo!

  9. I, too am waiting.... I'd rather get a quick no to a query than sit in the black hole of false hope. I know some agents are just too busy to reply if they don't want your work, but does it take so long to type two letters? n-o? An abrupt, unfeeling no is more humane than getting to the six month point where you must just shake your head and accept that your work is missing in action and presumed dead.

  10. I've got a deadline fast approaching. Unfortunately it's not for a story, but for the illustrations to someone else's story. Meanwhile my own WIP is (are) banging around inside my head, crying to be worked on.

    Oh, well, back to the drawing board!

  11. New stories mugging me...

    Not enough time to write everything...

    My main WIP just grinding along at the slowest pace ever...

    Fear of submitting for an anthology...
