
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Birthing of a Blog

And so Miss Snark's First Victim is on the brink of metamorphosis, and you are all a part of it.

I started the blog less than a year ago. Little did I dream that it would grow so quickly. Indeed, in those first few months (as Karen Duvall has reminded me), I worried that I wouldn't get any response to my calls for submissions. And now I'm wringing my hands at having to turn people away.

Actually, I'm not a pushover. And the current situation has led me to the decision to keep all submissions to a maximum of 50 from now on. That'll be for Secret Agent contests and in-house critique sessions alike.

The reason I threw out the vote to the masses yesterday is because I felt as though I'd come off a bit wishy-washy at the front end. I didn't know what to expect, so I was reluctant to set a hard-and-fast number. I have several hundred new subscribers and daily hits way beyond where they used to be. I couldn't be sure if the new interest was mainly focused on the Secret Agents, or if it would bleed over into other things.

Well, it bled over.

I'm delighted! I love the fresh enthusiasm, the new "faces." This couldn't please me more.

What it means, though, is that I'm going to have to spend time sharpening everything up -- especially submission guidelines.

I appreciate the warmth and generosity of spirit that poured forth in the comment box yesterday. "Let 'em in!" "I'll critique twice as many!" That's the spirit that makes this community what it is.

Don't change.

The bottom line for me, however, is the wisdom in the following voices:

I would stop at 75. You have lots of chances for submissions. (Lady Glamis)

Close the gate. You need time for your own writing too. (Julie Butcher-Fedynich)

It's your show to run, and we abide by your rules. You're in threat of becoming a victim of your own success, and it's up to you to manage things...If you're going to allow these stragglers in, what will stop me from ignoring your instructions the next time?

You're the boss. It's nice to interact with your followers, but sometime you've got to take control. Maybe we will love you less (i doubt it) but we will surely respect you more for it. (Luc2)

I hear you. Your words resonate with the stuff of which I'm made. I'm going to have to run a tight ship, and the blog will be all the better for it.

I still have to send out "sorry-you-didn't-make-it" notices this morning. Submissions came in even after our comment box voting session. So yes, the boundaries have been set.

And I think you know that I wish everyone could be accommodated every time. Rest assured that there is a high likelihood that there will be a "next time" if you miss a current round.

There, I've said it all. For now. What an exciting time, though! I am truly celebrating what this blog has become, is becoming. My kernel of a vision for a Place For Writers is developing into something beyond the sum of its parts. It's humbling and exhilarating.

(Why can I never spell "exhilarating" right the first time?)

So thank you all. And make sure you've got food and drink stashed near your computer. We've got a truckload of chapter endings on their way!


  1. Thank you authoress! I joined the blog because I want to be around other writers who are going through the same experiences that I am going through. I also joined a writing group here in my hometown for the same reason. It's so nice to be a part of a community of people who share the same interests and a passion for the art of writing.

    Thank you so much for this opportunity! I can't wait to read, read, read!!!

  2. Your blog is less than a year old. Wow, look at all you have accomplished. I love stopping by each day and seeing what you have to say, and then the responses you receive back. And of course the contests...gotta love them too.

    It was very kind of you to ask for input yesterday before making your decision. I wish I had the chance to check the site from work I would have known you were being overloaded with responses to the contest. Next time right?

    I look forward to giving feedback to as many stories as I can.

    Good Work Authoress.


  3. I second Litgirl01's words. The process of any business and or blog for that matter is to learn from your past. The same goes for writer's.How many author's can honestly say their first draft was never tweaked or edited? Your blog is great and with tweaking here and there, it will only get better. Kudos to you, look forward to critiquing soon!

  4. Your blog is less than a year old. Wow, look at all you have accomplished. I love stopping by each day and seeing what you have to say, and then the responses you receive back. And of course the contests...gotta love them too.

    It was very kind of you to ask for input yesterday before making your decision. I wish I had the chance to check the site from work I would have known you were being overloaded with responses to the contest. Next time right?

    I look forward to giving feedback to as many stories as I can.

    Good Work Authoress.


  5. Tightening up your guidelines only makes for a better end product. Those that want to critique - both to help other writers and learn to be better writers - will respond to 50, but may not to 75 or 100 (or set parameters on which submissions to respond to).

    And all those submitting know the rules - there will be no hard feelings if this time extras were allowed in, but next time they weren't. I think your decision is justified and needed.

    Love your blog, love this community. Looking forward to critiquing this round - no submission, so nerves aren't strung tight in anticipation.


  6. You rock, and I do indeed love you even more. Respect!

    Now, when will we get to see a picture of you in your Nastypants (with the feathered hat, of course)?

  7. Janet...Yes!! I think writers learn and grow most by reading and commenting on other people's writing. I sometimes have my students teach certain lessons because the teacher seems to learn more. I am more than willing to read and critique whether I submit or not. The experience is invaluable!

  8. Luc -- When I lose the 6 pounds I put on whilst overeating cashews and white chocolate during the month of January, naturally. :)

  9. You work hard and have developed a wonderful blog.

    Don't ever feel guilty about turning away entries. You are but one person.

    I didn't get to enter this time because of the snow storm cut off my internet access.

    You are doing a wonderful service for writers, and I believe it is because it is a great learning experience that so many writers are eager to show their..

    Don't ever feel guilty or bad.. you are doing a superb job..

  10. I just found your blog over the weekend through Kristin Nelson's blog. I did not participate in the submissions because I thought there would be a huge response.

    What you are doing here is fabulous. Congratulations on the blogs success.


  11. Some of us nubes are like children with a new toy when it comes to this site, so of course you, as the responsible parent, need to set limits so everyone plays nice and takes turns.

    I am disappointed when I don't get in on time, but only until I start reading and critiquing the ones who get through. Then it turns to joy.

    Thanks again for this opportunity.

  12. Face it, Authoress. Your blog has become an addiction for some of us. I keep saying I'm not going to enter this time, but I still do. It's a fix. A high. Hmmm. I think I need therapy. Or perhaps some chocolate covered cashews!

    Thanks again for everything. Can't wait to start critting tomorrow. What time can we expect endings to starting coming up?

  13. We're writers and are used to rejection (or should be). =D I've only entered once, but I read often. I've been naughty and don't usually leave comments if I haven't entered, but I'll try to start leaving my $.02 more often. =)

    And you do have so many opportunities for submission that if I miss one, I know there'll be another . . .

    Unless you become so overwhelmed that you close your blog and run off into the sunset with George Clooney . . . oh wait, that was Miss Snark. ;-)

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I'm so excited! I'm one of the new ones and I can't wait to read the submissions.

    Your game, your rules!

    p.s. I can never spell 'definitely' right the first time.

  16. It is a sort of addiction for some of us--me included. I think it was wise to limit the entries to 50. That's a lot to get through.

    What do you think of a rule that says if you were one of the fifty who got in this time, you have to skip the next one or something like that? That way, more people would have a chance of getting in. Just a thought.

  17. I second Ann's suggestion. :)

    Congrats on the blog doing so well! I hope the success bleeds over to everything else for you.

    Looking forward to commenting tomorrow. >:]

  18. What a marvelous problem to have! I'm a newbie to your blog and to the blogging world in general, and I'm truly inspired by your success here. If I have a fraction of your following by this time next year, I'll be thrilled!

    Regarding submissions, I say you're well within your rights to set all the limits you want--it's your blog, after all! You're doing us a favor by allowing them at all, and anyone who can't appreciate that needs a reality check.

    Anyway, thanks so much for listening to your readers :-)
