
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Drop the Needle -- Take a Deeeeeeeeep Breath

Actually, I think I've made it a little easier on you.

The first 40 submissions will post shortly.

The rest will post tomorrow.

Hopefully this will help alleviate any feelings of overwhelmsion you might otherwise have experienced.

I know, I know. If you've entered the critique fest and your submission comes after Post 40, you are turning purple. Trust me. I think you'll end up getting more crits this way.

The Critique Standards:

If you have entered an excerpt, please take the time to leave TEN critiques for others (it's usually 5). Of course you may leave more than that.

In order to avoid the "middle of the pack" crit drop-off, make an effort to begin at an odd place if you know you're not going to get through them all.

Someone suggested critiquing the two in front of and behind your own entry. You might expand that to the five in front of and behind your own entry, and then you'll have your requisite ten.

Or you might choose to do all the odd numbers, or all the even.

At any rate, let's make an effort not to neglect the middle of the gang.

And, as always, your politeness and helpfulness is appreciated.



  1. I'm ready for the fun. It's 1.45am here in Australia. I'll try and do some crit's before I go to bed. Which is usually around 3.00am. I don't get sleep any more. I don't want to miss out on the fun.

    I bet you haven't had any sleep at all, Authoress.

    I hope you're wearing your hat today?

  2. I think anyone lucky enough to be included would be inclined to at least 'give what they get', and critique at least as many as the number of critiques they receive, which is, more often than not, well over ten.

    It's the new definition of "paying it forward". In a community like this, it's easy to do.

    Great writers and great critique 'partners' alike.

  3. I'm not participating this time, but I look forward to reading these.

    Overwhelmsion. Authoress, you crack me up!

  4. I save my hat for special occasions and anonymous photo shoots. :)

  5. I'm in the second half but that's fine with me. Just let me get my shower and a cold glass of coke and I'll be ready.

    Overwhelmsion. HMM, I like that.

  6. I'm in the second half, but I'm working tomorrow from 8:30 to 6 (and grateful to have a job these days!).

    So I'm going to do as many as I can today. So when it looks like I'm getting but not giving tomorrow, I hope this explanation satisfies!

  7. Would it be a bad thing to crit just the genres we're familiar with? That would make it pretty random.

    I'll start my critting today even though my sub won't be up til tomorrow. I'm going out of town on Friday to a place without Internet access. It's a writers retreat on the Oregon coast, so I'll be writing, not critting. I'll do plenty of crits today and tomorrow to make up for what I can't get to over the weekend!

  8. Karen, I think that's a perfectly legitimate approach your to critting! Any and all critiques here are gifts to the writer.

    I'll let you off the hook completely, though, if you'll take me with you on the retreat!! ;D

  9. I just want to say...there are so many talented people here! Hurry up and write those books so I can see what happens! :-)

  10. Well, I've commented on the first forty. I don't remember how many I actually critiqued (sorry, I don't have time to do all of them in-depth), but I did say whether I was hooked to read on in all of them.

    Will aim for at least 10 actual crits eventually... I'm gone most of Fri and Sat, but hopefully Sat night I can finish up. ;)


  11. Merc -- Always a delight to have you around. :)
