
Monday, February 9, 2009

Okay, here is what I am going to do:

I'm going to accept 10 extra submissions and hope that my Secret Agent doesn't send me poisoned chocolates.

I never expected it to fill up this fast, and I wasn't at my computer when the 50th entry made its way through the portal. So entries 51 through 60 will be receiving confirmation emails shortly. Please note that these entries made it through before I posted the "Submissions Are Now Closed" announcement. Entries kept rolling in after that point, and I am sorry to say that these entries will have to be excluded.

And just so you know...

I. Hate. Leaving. People. Out.

This is killing me, folks.'s not like you all paid an entry fee. Yanno? That's what I keep telling myself.

And this is, after all, a One Woman Show. And 99.9 percent of you are absolutely amazing -- supportive in every way possible.

Anyway, if I didn't love this, I wouldn't do it. Call me a glutton for administrative overload.

So. Go pick up a copy of my e-book (those who haven't already!) while you're waiting. Then I'll feel much better. Ever so much better.

And yes, Heather, I've been eating cashews. *grin*


  1. THANK YOU, Authoress!!!
    *dumps big bag of virtual cashews on Authoress's desk (it's goodness without the calories :D)*

  2. You are so sweet. I just bought your ebook and it's downloading now. I can't wait to read it. And you deserve a lot of sales for hosting this party!

    (I'm posting anonymously so you won't think I'm just sucking up to get a good review from you on Wed.)

    Thanks again!

  3. Maybe we should send some virtual wine to the secret agent. He or she is going to need it. I tried critting all entries last time and ended up giving up at 40.

  4. You are so incredibly kind! Good luck with it all. :)

  5. I knew it would fill up fast. Word gets out...

    That's why I was up by 5:30 am waiting for the starting flag! *g* Seriously, thanks for running this, Authoress. I only found out about it yesterday, and the first thing I did was tell everyone in my writer's group. (I hope some of them made it in).

    Although my general approach is to pick which agents I want to query only after much agonizing, I couldn't resist the lure of a "Secret Agent"!

    After all, any agent willing to be such a good sport as to go along with this has to be a pretty decent person.

  6. I thought I was the only cashew addict around. they are always in my desk. and yes, i know you are taking on one #$%^ of a job.


  7. As though it hasn't been said enough: thank you, Authoress! You are truly a superhero in a red hat.

  8. I know everyone is saying it, but who gets tired of thank yous?

    Thanks for all your hard work! :)

  9. If I'm floored by the response this time, I can only imagine how you must be feeling!

    And adding to hugs and chocolate...cashews. Wait. Dark chocolate covered cashews. Yes, those seem to be in order.


  10. WOW - incredible! I'll be cheering from the sidelines this time and posting a few comments too hopefully. This is so exciting. Thanks again for doing this, Authoress.
    Do you like chocolate-covered gummy bears?

  11. I think what she needs in chocolate covered coffee beans, My favorite! This will always give you a burst of energy.

  12. Thanks for putting this all together Authoress! I know that coordinating something like this takes a lot of time and effort.

    I can't wait to read the entries!

  13. You're so generous! I add to those thank yous.

    I have an Award for you!

    *word veri: cryman. What you should not be saying to your readers. Make them cry, yes, but don't tell them they must.

  14. slhastings -- Dark chocolate covered cashews sound...beyond divine.

    alps -- I love chocolate and I love gummy bears (but only when they are perfectly fresh and indescribably soft). I've never had the 2 combined!

    feywriter -- Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm not sure I can pass it along to 15 people, since some of the blogs I read are done "as myself" and not "as Authoress." I've made my life quite confusing by starting this blog! LOL
