
Monday, February 9, 2009

YES, You've Overwhelmed Me!!!!!!!

But it's not a bad thing. Your excitement is palpable!!

Okay, bear with me.

Please don't keep refreshing your email...I've haven't even begun sending confirmations.

Please (PLEASE!) don't resend. Please. PLEEEEEEEEASE. *friendly smile*

Please send food. I'm going to be here for a while.

And I LOVE the comment thread under the call for submissions post. Y'all are making me laugh with your verification words!

Right. Taking a deep breath and diving in.


  1. You know, that makes me think of doing some sort of post on word verifications. Today's is "pless"

    As in "pleeeease" don't resend your submissions to Authoress! She's got enough in that email box already!

    *hugs Authoress*

  2. OK Considering what number I am and that I sent mine right at 9 a.m....holy moly, you did fill up fast.

    Did you hit 50 in the first 30 minutes?

  3. No kidding! I sent mine in a few minutes after 9. I'm hoping I made the cut. Toes are crossed. (Fingers are needed to type).

    Good luck with sorting all the submissions out, Authoress!

    Crazy! Crazy! Crazy!

  4. So how many submissions did you get, Authoress? And at what time did you reach 50?

    This is all so exciting. :-)

    (My wordver is "qualight": a suspicious incarnation of twilight that occurs only at the shore when clams are present?)

  5. Thank you, Authoress, I can go to bed now. You rock!

    I'm so glad that I sat at my computer with my finger on the send button ready for 9.00 (your time.) My husband thought I had frozen in time.

    There is a lightening storm now, so I'll turn off my computer. Looks like a bad one too.

    Thanks again, Authoress.

  6. Disorderly said:"qualight": a suspicious incarnation of twilight that occurs only at the shore when clams are present?

    I've heard this is also the name of Stephanie Meyer's next book.

    :-) kidding

  7. ACK - I'm at work and how no way of knowing if mine made it in. No access to my e-mail. I, too, hit send at 9:00EST, as soon as the call for submissions popped up. Had it all sitting in draft last night. Then rushed out the door for work.

    Can't wait to read the entries - even if mine isn't there. You rock, Authoress! Good luck, everyone!


    Word verification: kologyys - no thanks, I'm a koffeegaal :)

  8. Kat Harris: OMG! Her next novel is about teenage mutant ninja clam vampires? No wonder the woman's books sell so well. ;-)

    Janet: Kologyys is a beverage? And all this time I've thought that word referred to little dough-wrapped meat snacks favored by Germans in Central Texas.... ;-)

    (apetri: The designation given to the first dish growing scary stuff in a lab. Subsequent samples are labeled "bpetri," "cpetri," etc.)

  9. You all crack me up :)

    A few posts ago, didn't Authoress say something about "never filling up in the first hour"? Dangerous thing to say...

    My word is "conkyaa." Used in a sentence, redneck-dictionary-style: "If you resend your submission, Authoress will conkyaa on the head."

  10. Oh, I am SO ruing the "never" thing!


    Please keep bearing with me.

    There were 28 entries in the first 5 minutes alone.

    Thank you, Lady Glamis, for your plea above, et. al. :)

    I have confirmed the first 30 entries so far.

    I'm sorry I'm not faster -- I'm trying to do this in between "real life" today! (busy day all around)

    Thank you all!

  11. Here I was so proud to send it at 9:16 EST, which was 6:16am my time. And I may still not have made the first 50. Gotta move fast around here!

  12. Yeah, I sent mine in at 9:18. Next time I'm going to be poised with my finger over the ENTER key at 9 am!
    Wonder if all those 9 am entries will crash..

  13. Authoress -

    THANKS! I received my email confirmation just a bit ago. I didn't want to reply with my 'thanks' since you're probably still overwhelmed with the gazillion emails sent.

    I must sat that I'm truly amazed at the quickness of the submitters (yes, I know, not a word, but . . .). I was #30 at 9:07 AM.

    Best of luck to everyone and thanks again to Authoress!


  14. I hit the button at 902 and obtained number 28 I think. Wow, this is crazy, but I love it!!!

  15. I made it in! Thanks, Authoress!

    This is my first time entering and I'm really nervous!

  16. I'm a newbie too, but I'm already excited just because I made it.

    I was right behind you, Johnny!

  17. Yikes! Reading these comments reminded me of the last time I bought concert tickets from Ticketmaster. Talk about high pressure!

    And, whew! A word verificatinator that didn't scare me: insudaf. As in, Batman has one.

  18. Wow! Next month is going to be even faster. You know that, right?
    Good luck, and thanks Authoress for all you do. I feel your Joy/Pain.

  19. I got in at 9:26 and I'm #47, so yes, she filled up FAST! I feel so blessed. Really. I'm sending a box of virtual chocolates to authoress. I think she's going to need them. My word verification is dumblen. Should I be concerned?

  20. Actually, Miss Authoress's comment to me when I mentioned I would be in the doc's office at nine and hoped I could make it at 9:30 was:

    nightsmusic: To date we have never filled up all the slots in the first 30 minutes. When that happens, I'll know I've hit the big time. :)

    Thank heavens for Thunderbird and SendItLater!

  21. So we're one hour away from the big time.

    Now DO stop quoting me. LOL

  22. Would lots and lots of chocolate, delivered to your door make up for my quoting you?

    **smiles angelically**

  23. I woke up quite excited this morning. I only slept for four hours. That was so much fun, Authoress. That was better than a great night out. The second I turned off my computer, lightening struck the roof of our house. If the storm had come earlier, I wouldn’t have been able to enter because we lose power a lot around here. Then I would have missed out. I was having a panic attack.

    *Hooray* I made it. Thank you so much, Authoress. I glad now that I sat at my computer with my finger hovering above the send button for an hourbefore, well maybe two,

    I laughed when I opened my e-mails this morning; there were 34 posts to read from this blog. The energy was fantastic.

    You deserve a shop full of pretty hats, Authoress.

  24. Well, I sent at 9:12 (I had to forward the sample to my phone and send it between classes) and ended up with #35! I am so happy I got in, but now I have another concern (I always have to be obsessing over something, after all).

    What if the “secret agent” turns out to be someone who already rejected your query or partial? Or worse, someone who is reading your partial already? I looked through the rules to see if there was something about this last night, but I couldn’t find anything…

  25. My prediction is 45 minutes next month. ;0)

  26. Megan -- doesn't matter. You'll still get good feedback from the agent, which may help to better clarify why you were rejected before.

    Stina -- consider yourself lovingly slapped. :)
