
Monday, September 7, 2009

The Plan

So you know how I'll be approaching this, considering my "tough new rules":

I'm sending out confirmation emails as I go. I will be checking TO MAKE SURE THE ENTRY WASN'T INCLUDED IN A PREVIOUS CONTEST afterward. If I discovered that someone has sneaked through the cracks, I will email the entrant and redact the entry.

Oh, and for the record: Not all redacted entries signify that the entrant was "naughty." Sometimes they change their minds. I always keep the post number active so people don't start emailing me with, "Oh my, you seem to have skipped number 47!" messages.

Anyway, we'll see how things go. This is going to be a fun round! (Well of course I would say that. The queue is loaded with my favorite genres!)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So if I didn't get an email confirmation, did my submission not get received?

  3. Unfortunately, that is correct. However, do check your spam box. Last month, someone never received my confirmation but was delighted to see her excerpt post, after all.

  4. I just wanted to say thank you so much for organizing this. It must be a huge effort for you each month and it's such a generous thing to do for everyone involved. I hope you know you're appreciated.

  5. Authoress, you rock! This is a great and inventive way for 50 lucky souls to have their work seen by an agent (and to get feedback from others as well).

    You must have been bombarded by flying emails - I know two people who submitted at noon on the dot and got slots number 19 and 26.

  6. Bummer, nothing in my spam. I wonder what I did wrong. Oh well, maybe next time. Thanks for taking time out of your busy life to do this for writers, very kind of you.

  7. You Could Do This Dept.:

    Maintain one giant document of Secret Agent contest entries per year. Copy and paste into it as the contests happen. Then when you need to check the entries, use CTRL-F, type in the title, screen name, random line of text, etc.
