
Monday, September 7, 2009

Submissions Are Now Closed

With this level of adrenaline flying around, who needs coffee?



  1. Thanks for the opportunity, Authoress!

    I'm Post 12! *Grins*

    I can't wait to read the entries!

    *Oh, I forgot, do the entries get posted tomorrow or Wednesday?*

  2. Whoa, that was FAST! Whoo-Hoo----let the fun begin :-)

  3. Coffeeeeeee? Wwwwhhoooo neeeeds coffffee after thattt!

    I'm switching to decaf immediately.

    Okay, not really. I need some reason to get up in the morning.

    Very excited about this!

  4. I missed, got caught up with family.

  5. Wooooo!

    Good luck to all of the entrants.

    I didn't have a submission this time around so I'll be rooting for everyone and pitching in with comments here and there. Hopefully, they'll be of help. ;)

  6. O_O Wow! I didn't even get the chance to see submissions open that time :D

    Good luck all!

  7. Aw. Horserider. Maybe next time, and you need to hurry up and get an agent for Destiny! Lol.

    I sent the email at 12:00.49 and I was post 36! That's, like, almost someone entering every second.

  8. Had to set my alarm to wake up and enter. I put up the world clock so I could make sure I entered at the right second with my time difference and all. Totally exciting.

  9. I love reading and critiquing other people's work. I think I've learned more about my own writing that way, than any other.

    And thanks for all the critique I'm receiving.

    So, what now? When does our hostess give her critique?
