
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Drop the Needle: Day Two

Lots of great critiquing going on here -- keep 'em coming!

The second 25 will post over the next couple of hours. Here's a refresher of the rules:


  • ALL ENTRANTS: Please critique a minimum of 5 entries. A good approach: Critique the two entries before and the two entries after your own, plus one other. If everyone does this, it'll ensure a more even crit distribution.
  • Please don't post under "Anonymous." Choose option #3 in the comment box (Name/URL) and choose a screen name by which you can be easily identified.
  • Authors: RESIST THE URGE TO COMMENT ON YOUR CRITIQUES! This is not the time to explain, clarify, defend. Read the comments, take what is helpful, leave the rest.
  • Enjoy! It's wonderful to share our creative processes and grow together toward our writing goals. This is a peek inside the brains of our colleagues! So let's have fun.


  1. Thanks again, Authoress, for doing this. I spent 2 hours last night rewriting parts of mine (It took me that long to figure out the mechanics of the drowning scene). I'm much happier with it now. I also realized that murky to me means something different to someone else.

  2. Authoress,
    Another fabulous Drop the Needle. I had a great time reading other people's posts last night and I think I gave some good comments. As for myself, I kept looking at my comments and kept my fingers crossed and then wham--I got the three-pointer. I love posting stuff that isn't working for me. Each time I have, someone tells me something that opens the revision floodgates for me. I think I have revised this page so it really sparkles now. And only 299 more pages to go--keep the drop the needles coming and I'm sure to finish this novel in one of my future lives (unless I am reincarnated as a cockroach or something).

  3. Thanks again for the party, Authoress<:

    I'm catching my breath from yesterday, but hoping to dig into today's batches tonight - in between baking.

    I'll say more at the end of the week, but many thanks to the people who commented on mine. I appreciate the looksee and you have no idea how hard it is to keep from jumping in and telling you my character's whole life story. So tempting. :P

  4. *Tossing rose petals in your path*

    Thank you.

  5. Eek, people are still critting mine (#4) even though I've since done some major rewrites to it (thanks to the first 10 or so comments). This means instead of critting entries that are getting little feedback, these individuals are wasting their time on mine. I've seen this happen often in SA contests. And honestly, the latest batch of crits aren't saying anything different than the original ones. Is there a way to turn off the comments in situations like these? I just feel bad for the writers who have only 5 comments.
