
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It's Been a Good Year!

I pondered writing an all-out, 2009-year-in-review.

I decided against it.

For one thing, it's easy enough to scroll through the past 12 months and rediscover the highlights. Cool contests and hefty critiques. Status reports on my WIP progress. A plethora of awesome comments from my beloved readership. And TWO CLIENT SIGNINGS BY SECRET AGENTS. (Yes, I shouted that.)

It's been a stellar year.

The main reason I've forgone the year-in-review is, well, I don't want to take the time to do it.

How lame, huh?

Until I explain that I am only about 500 words away from completing the third draft of my WIP. In fact, by the time you read this, that number may be smaller.

Or even zero.

So you can can where my priorities lie. I set December 30th as my deadline, and I'm hitting it. Today. With much rejoicing and the shooting off of virtual fireworks.

After the celebrating, I'll hunker down for a line-by-line clean-up of the whole thing (with yummy things on small plates for grabbing with nimble fingers in between edits).

Then. It goes to my readers.

Then. I either start querying or throw myself from the rooftop, depending on overall reader feedback.

So there it is. A happy Authoress has met her final writing goal of the year and is thankful for the support and encouragement of her blog community.

Rabid blogging will begin again next week. We've got a January Secret Agent contest coming up! So brace yourselves. And in the meantime, Happy New Year.

And may your dreams and hopes for 2010 wrap their arms around you and become reality!


  1. Throwing yourself into the sea is way more romantic than throwing yourself off the rooftop. And if you go all the way to the ocean, you're really dedicated to throwing yourself places. Rooftops are easy. Sea is not.

    Just sayin'.

  2. Congrats on meeting your deadline! :D

    Also, I vote against the rooftop ploy, because that doesn't sound like a pleasant experience. Though, I have to agree with Jodi, the sea is more romantic, if that's what you're looking for.

  3. And Mr. A would have a chance to rescue you from the sea (assuming he can swim). Not so after you hurl yourself from the rooftop. Plus that's quite a messy way to go. Someone will have to scrape you off the sidewalk. Definitely not romantic.

    Congrats on meeting your deadline! And I can't wait for the next SA contest, or at least the next SA contest which includes YA (fantasy not necessary).

    Have a great and safe New Year's Eve.

  4. It's been a great year. I'm glad I stumbled onto this website. It's been great fun hanging out the past few months.

    Congrats on making your goal on the 30th deadline thing. That's awesome.

    Happy New Year!

  5. I think a bottle of champagne is coming your way tonight sweetheart.

    I am proud of you.

  6. Congrats on finishing your third draft, Authoress. Here's hoping I can do the same sometime this next year:)

  7. Your priorities are right where they should be. Congratulations.

  8. Mr. A is a total sweetheart. I'm so glad you have a supporting partner for your writing ventures.
    Congrats on meeting your goal.
    Rooftop sounds painful, but maybe less so than querying- hee hee!

  9. Congrats on reaching your third draft goal! I can't wait until I'm in your shoes. Or at least far enough along in the editing to submit to a website full of Snark. :P

  10. Congrats on the goal completion, stay away from rooftops and blessings upon you, Authoress and all your readership. ;D Happy New Year, folks!

  11. Go you on your revisions! Good luck in 2010 with all your writing endeavors!

  12. Congratulations on making your goal!

    Maybe I'll actually enter one of the SA contests next year...

    Love your blog!

  13. Congratulations on finishing and Happy New Year!

  14. And I have to say, Authoress, as one of those lucky enough to be the recipient of a coveted Secret Agent client signing, it has been a stellar year thanks to you.

    Congrats on the finished draft and I hope next year brings your own signing!
