
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Blessings

Perhaps it's the control freak in me, but I hate walking away from the blog.

Nevertheless, 'tis the season. Though I wanted to pop in to wish you all the merriest of Christmases.

I've got some gingerbread to bake, a few more gifts to wrap.

I've got two more chapters to go on my WIP. (Squee! I mean...squee!)

And I've got a special coffee date this morning.

So. Have a blessed holiday. Enjoy your family, your friends, your down time. Enjoy the sights, scents, impressions of the season. Take time to get in touch with your thankfulness, your sense of contentment.

I'll see you all next week!

***Christmas hugs***


  1. I wish I had 2 chapters left on my WIP. :( Merry Christmas to you too! Enjoy your holiday. :)
    Click for my holiday message!

  2. You're back next week! That's not much of a break. Okay, I'm actually glad you'll be back. While I'm too lazy to blog next week, I have my favorite blogs I like to follow. But most of the agents are taking next week off as well. So I'm glad one of my favorites will still be around. :D

    Have a great Christmas, and good luck on those final chapters.

  3. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and have fun with your WIP!!! :D

  4. Have a wonderful Christmas! Treasure the moments :)

  5. Back atcha, Authoress!! Have a great break!

  6. Have a great break! Hooray for your WIP!

  7. Merry Christmas Authoress. Many, many thanks for all you do for us: the agent opportunities, the crits, the encouragement & inspriration, all of it.

    And Happy Holidays to all of you fellow followers. Thanks for the comments on Drop the Needle. They were so appreciated.

  8. Two chapters! That's so exciting! I'm mid-revision.

    And I understand your control freak instinct all too well, but we'll be waiting patiently for your next post after Christmas. Enjoy yourself!

  9. Merry Christmas everyone. May all your wishes come true...

  10. Thank you again, Authoress, for all yo do for the rest of us. May many blessing rain down upon you.

    Merry Christmas to all. And Happy Fill-In-The-Blank to any who nmay not be of the Christmas persuasion.

  11. Merry Christmas and yay for having two chapters to go.

  12. Merry Christmas! And congrats on only 2 chapters left! What a way to ring in the new year!

  13. Merry Christmas! Woo hoo on 2 last chapters.

    I also wanted to thank you and all the readers for their helpful comments for the drop the needle.

    I have totally rewritten my scene and have heard it is way better.

    Thank you all so much! Especially you Authoress for your wonderful blog.

  14. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Way to go with your WIP!

  15. I left you a little something on my blog. :)

  16. Hope you had a great Christmas.

  17. And a Happy New Year, in case I get swamped at the desk...
